Sunday, June 17, 2018

The opening minute of RotS is one of the most spectacular in all of SW

Just wanted to talk about a very under-appreciated scene.Just watching the movie now and I'm always so impressed. The way the Republic Star Destroyer cruises over Coruscant as the sun rises over the planet with the sound of war drums, before the two Jedi Fighters that are dwarfed by it fly over it. The camera then follows them as they fly past the destroyer and drop down to reveal a very three dimensional battle raging with dozens of Star Destroyers and enemy ships. We then get a first hand view of the battle as the Jedi Fighters fly through the middle of the battle with action and ships breaking up and exploding all around them. It's a brilliant scene.I still remember seeing it the first time in the cinema and having been fairly disappointed by the other two films this scene made me want to cheer in my seat and say "Now this is Star Wars!"I'm also amazed at how much effects technology improved between AotC and this. The difference is night and day.I'd love to see something like this in Episode 9. This battle sure makes all the ones we've seen in 7 and 8 look like tiny skirmishes in comparison . via /r/StarWars

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