Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I'm halfway through Season 3 of The Clone Wars and I realized I now think of Matt Lanter's voice as what Anakin Skywalker sounds like

This is not a bashing-on-Hayden Christensen post, just saying that Matt Lanter's voice feels right for the character. I think it's because Lanter speaks with a more even and neutral tone when portraying Skywalker that actually makes him seem like a real Jedi. He has a lightness to his portrayal that works with Anakin's frequent jokes and sarcastic remarks, but he still gives it a quality of wisdom (or maybe just mindfulness) that you would expect from a Jedi, even one as individualistic as Anakin.Anyway, I think he does a great job portraying Anakin. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mrmaPe

Dominic Monaghan just posted this insight between him and JJ Abrams

As a big fan of Lost, I thought this was a cool cross-over.http://ift.tt/2lR8pYE via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mqK6Cn

How can we make this happen for this guy?

Hey there fellow Star Wars fans. I was browsing Facebook articles earlier and was reading the comments on an article about J J Abrams screening The Force Awakens for terminally ill fans. As I read through the comments I saw this: http://ift.tt/2mCC5Hv anyone know how we can make this happen for this fellow fan. I have no idea who he is, but I've lost both my dad and step-dad to cancer, so it just kind got me. My dad was a big fan who took me to see the movies when I was a child and therefore beginning my life long fandom. Every time a new Star Wars movie comes out I wish he was here to go with me.I've already tweeted Rian Johnson, Mark Hamill, and the offical Star Wars Twitter. Any suggestions or does anyone have any connections? via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m5tzmB

Every jedi episode VII and forward can trace their training back to yoda. ShowerThoughts

No text found via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m5rruR

What is that small fighter that Yoda pilots in the final episodes of TCW?

[other] via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lRczQt

I'm excited for The Last Jedi! I hope it brings something new and exciting for Star Wars franchise like prequels did.

As good as The Force Awakens was (saw it twice in theaters and seen it few times on Blu-Ray) I think we can all agree it was pretty safe movie. Nothing super new to the franchise. But like Mark Hamill said before the movie was released "people needed to be reminded what Star Wars is" or something among those lines.Well it sure did but now is the time to show something new and original for the second movie of this trilogy.Oh any ideas when we will get first teaser/trailer for The Last Jedi? via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mqn4LX

EA's Battlefront game wasn't that bad... was it?

Love it or hate it, Electronic Arts now holds the exclusive rights to make Star Wars games for the next few years. In 2015 their take on the popular Battlefront series with a reboot. When the game came out, it was met to mixed reviews. Many praising the game for its graphics and sound design. It actually made players feel like they were taken to a galaxy far, far away. Other criticized it due to it's lack of a single player campaign and other desired content such as Galactic Conquest from the previous games. In my opinion, the game did leave a lot to be desired, the cutscenes in the Missions really made me want a campaign, but other than that, overall I was happy with what we got. I don't understand the argument over a lack of maps at launch, we had about 16, and 2 more came a week later with the Battle of Jakku DLC... then we got two more free maps Twilight on Hoth and Survivors on Endor. I felt the Season Pass was worth it. Honestly speaking.. I didn't want the Clone Wars in the game, but that is just me as I prefer the GCW over the CW. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mBMDXo

[No Spoilers] How much of the criticism directed at Aftermath is due to the story, as opposed to the writing style?

The Aftermath books have received a lot hate for their writing style. And having read the same chapter for the first book, I agree. But with so many people criticising the tense that the book is written in it's overshadowing a lot of discussion on the quality of the actual story.To be completely honest, I'm more interested in having some questions on how the Empire fell apart post-Endor answered rather than getting a particularly well-written book.So, writing aside, what's the story like? Is it believable? Is it a suitable send-off for the Empire?Without spoiling anything, what sort of information do we find out about the state of the galaxy after ROTJ, how much groundwork is laid for the sequel trilogy, and is that stuff any good? via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m4DcC3

TIL Mark Hamill's first son was born during the filming of Empire Strikes Back (1980). He went straight from the hospital to the set.

During the filming of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, Mark Hamill was accompanied in Finse, Norway, by his wife Marilou, who was several months pregnant. In anticipation of a premature birth, the Hamills had brought medical supplies and a giant teddy bear with them. Nathan was born early on the Monday morning on which his father was meant to play a scene in which Luke manages to grab onto an electronic weather vane after emerging from the underside Cloud City. Despite having stayed up all night, Mark Hamill arrived on time at the set to film his fall from Cloud City onto the exterior of the Millennium Falcon. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m3awJA

Rewatching Grievous vs Obi Wan, look at the two battle droids at the bottom.

http://ift.tt/2lNURNA via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2luzZs0

My new Alderaan before and after wallpaper

http://ift.tt/2m5GzsH via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m2BSPN

Rogue Two - The lesser known heroes

http://ift.tt/2m6rQOd via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m7wE66

Found this awesome shirt at a Mexican restaurant

http://ift.tt/2lQ6dip via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m75iNr

Disney Please

http://ift.tt/2m62pME via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m66RLo

Monday, February 27, 2017

Star Wars pays a great deal of attention to the idea that droids are made in their creators image.

http://ift.tt/2lP717w via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lNPIVM

Decided to have fun with my new case. He's kind of a Big Deal.

http://ift.tt/2l5tqjT via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lPCR3T

After 4 1/2 years I finally got/made all the gear I needed to go snowboarding in style

http://ift.tt/2mEaVPt via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m4qOSM

A friend of mine took this shot of a Star Wars fan being born.

http://ift.tt/2lMT6QR via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mDIUYA

The Force Awakens recontextualises the original trilogy and prequel trilogy in some really interesting ways, and I'd like to discuss my thoughts with you

I would argue that the PT and OT was about the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. Born into slavery, the responsibility of being the "Chosen One" was thrust upon him out of the blue and at a very young age. He must leave behind the one's he loves and face this responsibility head on and without distraction and attachment. But his heart was too big for the task. He loved his mother and he missed her terribly, but she died in his arms as he was too late to save her.The only comfort he can find is in the arms of Padme, a love that is forbidden by the Jedi. But Anakin's heart is too big. He needs to love, and soon Padme is pregnant. Haunted by visions that he will lose her like he lost his mother, Anakin does the unthinkable: he turns to the dark side in an attempt to save her, but in doing so he loses everything he ever cared about and the galaxy is plunged into darkness and despair.After years of anger and hatred, there is A New Hope. Anakin's children live on, and through their courage and determination, they restore peace to the galaxy and redeem Anakin's horrendous actions. Anakin is at peace, he is back at his friends sides and Luke will go on to reverse the damage caused by his father. He will train a new generation of Jedi. So ends Return of Jedi and the redemption of Anakin Skywalker.But now, TFA changes that. The films are no longer about the tragedy of Anakin, they are about the curse of being a Skywalker. After everything Luke went through, he failed in his task to restore the Jedi to their former glory. A rogue student, his own nephew, betrayed him and murdered his students. Imagine the loss and despair of failing to protect them, about failing to guide your nephew to the light. He is forced into exile. The people he cares about most, his friends, his family, he has to leave them. And then he loses arguably his best friend, Han Solo. His mother, his father, his mentor (Obi Wan), his friends, his students, Luke has lost almost everyone he has cared about.TFA shows that the Skywalker name is a curse. It brings incredible power and responsibility to all those who bear it. They cannot live normal lives; the Force requires their servitude and they will be forced endure loss, heartache, temptation and tragedy. But they must continue their fight; the galaxy depends on them. Will a Skywalker ever find peace? I hope so.I really like the way TFA changes the context of the films. They're less about Anakin's personal tragedy, and more about the Skywalker families. It's one, long, epic story of hope and loss, and the one family that has no choice but to keep on fighting through it all. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2l4fbM0

I don't hold out much hope for Agent Kallus and Chopper Base

http://ift.tt/2lfyr4u via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lqky4k

When I saw Qui-Gon's Lego face, I knew what had to be done.

http://ift.tt/2muostW via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lfl8RG

Sunday, February 26, 2017

I just lost it during the Oscars during Carrie Fisher's In Memorium...

RIP Princess. Thank you so much for everything. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mBaPs2

The Clone Wars were Tiny

In Season 3, Episode 11 of Clone Wars, the senate is arguing over whether or not to purchase five million more clone troopers. Not only is this presented as a large buildup of troops, but one that would be financially disastrous.Not only that, but in the same episode it is revealed that the Separatists took out a loan to create three million more battle droids, and Onaconda Farr reacts like this would spell disaster for the republic.These numbers make the Clone Wars seem very small. In fact, it appears that the Clone Wars could potentially be smaller than WWII, despite supposedly being a galaxy sprawling war fought between two large coalitions of systems. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mu3sTX

I made this silly thing :) [warning: x-universes]

http://ift.tt/2lKHXyf via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m0C2I4

Started reading the Thrawn trilogy over the weekend and a certain section stood out...

http://ift.tt/2l0ILlz via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2loB2K0

J.J. Abrams thinks Mark Hamill will win an Oscar for "The Last Jedi"

http://ift.tt/2lEM6Ut via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lonTRm

An animated series taking place between episodes 4 & 5 or after 6 in the style of The Clone Wars following Luke, Han and Lea. Thoughts?

http://ift.tt/2lY6Glf via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2l0wBsT

Vader in the Sacrificial Pool of the Sith Witches by Armand Baltazar

http://ift.tt/2myWufH via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lUqWnx

Star Destroyer wallpaper I made today, hope you like it as much as I do.

http://ift.tt/2mzDVrX via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lnVFpW

Star Wars exhibition in London.

http://ift.tt/2mzelTD via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lZ2m5j

"I mean it's big, but it's not THAT big..."

http://ift.tt/2lYvARK via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lYCDd4

The Empire needs a hero

http://ift.tt/2mjMESP via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2ldJdbf

Thrawn's got a good taste in helmets

http://ift.tt/2lXqeX3 via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2ld58Q5

Saturday, February 25, 2017

TIL what these "pens" Imperial Officers carry around are used for

http://ift.tt/2mylkwf via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mr4JeA

"Naturally they became heroes."

http://ift.tt/2mqOyxS via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2my5odj

A Masters Legacy by Micah Brown

http://ift.tt/2lHUmmw via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lc7MFE

Darth Maul Turtle

http://ift.tt/2lIeRzL via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lmlpTr

Got a quick tattoo last night, nothing too crazy, but I think it's neat.

http://ift.tt/2lVN8y5 via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lSfIzR

Getting married today. My tie and my best man's tie.

http://ift.tt/2llHotZ via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lWB2EG

A repost but I just love this photo

http://ift.tt/2mpKJcm via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lROtVX

Everything We Know About the Unfinished TCW Episodes

To start, I'm going to point out that Pablo has said everything that has been publicly released about these episodes is canon, so all the info in this thread is likely canon. The full scripts for the episodes are not always canon, because some remain unfinished or in early stages. We'll look at them arc by arc. I am excluding anything from Crystal Crisis on Utapau, Dark Disciple, Son of Dathomir, or The Bad Batch because they have already been released in full. Here is a link to the eight story reels. Dark Disciple animatics can be found in the video I will be linking below repeatedly. All following arcs are confirmed to be 4 episodes long.Spoilers ahead if they ever decide to finish these in any form, and spoilers for the Ahsoka novel.Bounty Hunter ArcThis arc would have featured Cad Bane and Boba teaming up. Cad wanted to know who was the better bounty hunter, Jango or Cad, but Jango died before he could ever find out. He starts grooming Boba so he can finally know the answer. Bossk, Embo, and Aurra, among other bounty hunters, would have appeared as well. Cad would have gotten a new ship, the Justifier.Here are the art and models we have for the episodes.For the animatic of the episodes we have watch from where I link to 2:16.In summary, Boba allows himself to be captured by Tuskens as part of a plan the two of them have for Cad to track Boba to the Tusken village. The episode would have been about Cad and Boba teaming up to rescue a child kidnapped by Tuskens.Ahsoka's WalkaboutThis would have been the first time we really saw Ahsoka since she left the order, adjusting to being a normal person, living in the Underworld. She would have gotten a new speederbike and met a smuggler named Nyx Okami on Level 1313.Here are the art and models we have for the episodes.For the animatics of the episodes we have watch from where I link to 6:20.In summary, Ahsoka has speeder troubles and meets Nyx, who she rescues from someone harassing him over his debts.Kashyyyk ArcThis arc would have shown some of the reason Yoda has an established relationship with the Wookiees in Episode III. It would also have featured the return of the Bad Batch. It would have had a very large role for Chewbacca and contained references to the Holiday Special. The Wookiees would have had the ability to summon giant tree gods and ride them, but it would have been religious for them and they didn't like to ride them into battle.A Trandoshan leader would have been working with the Separatists to attack Kashyyyk. In order to get them out of city, the Wookiees would need to burn a portion of the forest. It would have been practical for the clones, but upsetting for the Wookiees. Tarrful would have prayed to the trees for permission.Here are the art and models we have for the episodes.For the animatic of the episode we have watch from where I link to 12:02.In summary, Wookiees and the Bad Batch fight kinraths.Rex and R2 ArcThis arc would have been a bit of a Top Gun homage. One of the early episodes would have featured a rivalry and squabble between the Clone ground forces and the pilots, and later episodes would have featured Rex and R2 being forced to pilot a fighter together in a chase and being stranded on one of the moons of Ryloth with a reprogrammed B2 battle droid after Rex crashes them. WAC and the astromechs from the D-Squad arc would have appeared.Here is the art we have for the episodes.Return to the JediThis arc would have had Ahsoka return to the Jedi to investigate the depths of the Jedi Temple, where deep below there exists a long buried Sith Temple powerful in the Dark Side. Sidious would have attempted to get through into the holocron vault, but Ahsoka would have held him back through the door as seen in the art.Here is the art we have for the episodes.Yuuzhan Vong ArcVery little is known about this arc. It would have been an alien abduction in the style of X-Files with a scout ship trying to asses the strength of the Republic, and per George's request the Yuuzhan Vong would not have been immune to the Force.Here is the art we have for the episodes.Mon Cala ArcThis arc would have been a return to Mon Cala for Padme and Anakin, and they would have met with Lee Char and Tikkes.A large amount of the first episode is known thanks to a short image from a bonus feature on The Lost Missions Blu Ray, which I recorded here.In summary, Anakin and Padme land on Mon Cala and meet with Lee Char and Senator Tills, who inform them that they will not vote to 'throw out Palps', but Tikkes will. The Grand Vizier has been murdered and Tikkes has been appointed as provisional leader in his place. They meet with Tikkes, who expresses his frusterations with Palpatine.Here is the art we have for the episodes.The Siege of MandaloreThis arc would have returned to Mandalore and featured Ahsoka and Maul. Anakin and Obi-Wan would have been called away to rescue the Chancellor, Anakin would have told Ahsoka how proud he is of her and left her in charge of Rex and a group of clones with helmets painted to resemble her tattoos. Ahsoka would have appointed Bo Katan provisional leader. Ahsoka and the clones would just have captured Maul when the clones would have turned on her because of Order 66. Rex somehow had/has his chip removed and he and Ahsoka escape, pretending they killed each other, and go their separate ways.Here is the art we have for the episodes.Bonus: Young AhsokaAn early story concept was about Plo Koon finding Ahsoka and taking her to the Jedi. In a unique take on Jedi recruitment, her village would have been excited about her going to the Jedi. A bounty hunter character named Latrans, who seemed beautiful and kind, would have posed as a Jedi to kidnap Ahsoka. The real Jedi, Plo Koon, appeared more sinister and creepy. Latrans' design evolved into the Zygerrians.Here is the art we have for the story concept. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lRA5ND

This shot from Episode II looks like Darth Vader looking out of the bridge of a Star Destroyer

http://ift.tt/2lGZLdJ via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lVKt7A

Rebels 3.16 - Through Imperial Eyes [Official Discussion Thread]

What did you think of the latest episode of Rebels? Discuss it here!Don't forget to check out the behind-the-scenes features with Rebels Recon and the Starwars.com Episode Guide.This is an automated post. Beep Boop. Let us know if you have any feedback!View all upcoming discussion threads here via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2kX5xe2

Awesome Carrie Fisher Tribute (by Brian Kesinger)

http://ift.tt/2mi94DW via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2llrbES

REBELSTEMPLATE Rebels 3.16 - Through Imperial Eyes [Official Discussion Thread]

What did you think of the latest episode of Rebels? Discuss it here!Don't forget to check out the behind-the-scenes features with Rebels Recon and the Starwars.com Episode Guide.This is an automated post. Beep Boop. Let us know if you have any feedback!View all upcoming discussion threads here via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lHaeYh

Star Wars Fan Wood Illusion

http://ift.tt/2mhVmRJ via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2mp8Tnh

I really like the prequels, but the only thing that bothers me is this scene in EP2. They're talking about who hired the assassin, and yoda is suppose to be resting his hands on his cane.

http://ift.tt/2molXJC via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lQL2z5

The Clone Wars cartoon could be sort of brutal in their combat scenes at times.

http://ift.tt/2mwbJ94 via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lGGASK

Is anyone up for a Star Wars Anatomy book?

I've been thinking about this for a while. Fictional biology is an interesting idea. How exactly do other species work? How are Togruta's lekku different from Twi'lek's lekku aside from aesthetic? Age evolution and different bone structure (if there are bones), differences in flesh... all those things seems pretty interesting to me. And the detailed artwork on it, possibly being similar to real life human anatomy books for medical studies and drawing lessons, would be very interesting with a Star Wars theme on it. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2kWEm2T

Anyone notice Grievous has Luke's episode 6 lightsaber in his battle with Obiwan on Utapau?

http://ift.tt/2mw04qX via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2lUrUkc