Monday, June 25, 2018

Based off of canon knowledge only, who is the best pilot in Star Wars.

Just for some examples:Anakin Skywalker •won the boonta Eve classic at a young age, destroyed a federation space station, lead an operation to save the chancellor during the battle of courascant and landed half of a separatist dreadnought safely. Many more feats in the clone wars. Also this when he is Vader Skywalker •Son of Anakin Skywalker, blew up the first Death Star with no flight experience. Possibly the best single feat of any pilot.Han Solo/Chewbacca •Completed the kessel run in twelve parsecs (if you round down), outmaneuvered imperial fleets on many occasions, successfully navigated through an asteroid field just to say screw off to C3PO for telling him the odds (which were not in his favor), successfully entered the starkiller base by jumping to lightspeed through its shields undetected. Chewie also successfully navigated a crystal cave on Crait without a co pilot. (Han is my personal favorite for this award).Poe Dameron •Escaed with Finn in a ship he’d never flown before, took out tons of tie fighters in the battle of Takodana effortlessly, lead the attack on starkiller base, single handedly (with help from BB-8) destroyer a dreadnoughts surface cannons. Regarded as the resistance’s best pilot.Kylo Ren •We don’t see much but he seems very skilled and he is the son of one of the best pilots of the galaxy and is the nephew of another. This kid is good.Wedge Antilles Survived both attacks on the Death Stars.Lando Calrissian •was apparently good enough to be one of the best smugglers in the galaxy and retired rather young. He also destroyed the second Death Star.Hera Syndulla No specifics, but she is really good in terms of non force sensitive.Let me hear what you guys think. Bring up comics, books, anything. I’d love to hear your opinions. Feel free to tell me more feats to add. via /r/StarWars

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