Sunday, July 31, 2022

Unpopular Opinion (I think): "Solo" is better than any of the sequel movies.

I enjoyed Solo and thought it was fun and exactly what it needed to be, a movie in the universe of Star Wars but not necessarily a Jedi led story. Meanwhile the sequels were very hard to watch as a fan, I was so disappointed at the missed opportunities. So many plot holes and characters that weren't endearing.I wish there were more exploration of the universe like Rogue One and Solo, I am very sad they shifted away from this.Lastly the Disney plus shows help make up for the awful sequels thankfully, but movies would be nice too.Thank you for reading my mini rant. via /r/StarWars

Solo is great!

Everyone talks about how great Rogue One is (which it is) and they say that its their favorite of the new movies, but my favorite movie if not of all of them is Solo. It pretty much is as Star Wars as Star Wars gets. Its got cool designs, great world building, awesome characters, great acting, incredible cgi, DARTH MAUL, and finally but not least it gives us a story about the average joe of Star Wars before he became General Solo. via /r/StarWars

[Opinion] Rogue One is one of the best Star Wars movies to date.

I grew up watching Star Wars, as many of us did. It holds a special place in my heart and has "since [I was] a small boy."We all have opinions on the original trilogy, the prequels, and the sequels, and I get that.But the original trilogy is still, obviously, the most "pure" vision from Lucas about what Star Wars is supposed to be. And one of the things I always have enjoyed about Star Wars is the *wars* (battles) among the stars (aka, space battles).Anyways, all of that to say:Rogue One, objectively, captures SO much of the original vision and story behind the original trilogy.A core theme of the OT was the desperation of the Rebel Alliance and the fact that they were a scrappy, rag-tag band of people united for a single cause. They scraped by and cobbled together what they could to fight. Rogue One NAILS this. It's literally about a rag-tag mini band within the Rebellion struggling to make ends meet and gather intel to defeat an otherwise insurmountable obstacle (the Empire).We see this same theme explored in the scenes with the Rebellion in general, too. The leadership can't all agree; some members (Raddus) act without the approval of others. There are conflicting missions (Andor's secret mission to assassinate Galen, choosing to defy those orders). The hit-and-run attack on Eadu by the Rebels. Saw's faction on Jedha. The strike team on Scarif.We see SO much scale. Honestly I thought Lucas did a great job in the OT of showing scale, but I felt like with modern graphics and CGI, we really got an incredible sense of scale with the Death Star, planets, Star Destroyers, etc. (We also got some great scale shots in Episode III, but my focus here is on the OT). This is part of what makes Star Wars Star Wars. The sense of hugeness and expanse. I think it's also why some of the newer shows that basically stick to Tatooine fall a little flat for some: it lacks a sense of scale. It's hard to feel you're in the Star Wars universe.The space battle is INCREDIBLE. I think it rivals Episode 6 and Episode 3 in terms of overall quality. It also hits the "scale" goal too. But the quality and intricacies are phenomenal. The desperate tactics also really made it feel like "Rebellion." They literally used a frigate to ram a stationary Star Destroyer into a shield gate to get access to the planet. That is not tactics you would ever see the Empire using. I also think it's hard to have Star Wars without truly good space battles.Darth Vader. I don't really need to say more about that.Rogue One, imo, does a better job than most of the original and prequel trilogies at showing a sense of grief, loss, and emotion with Jyn's whole arc with her father: she goes from feeling abandoned and assuming he's evil, to finding out he's alive and a secret spy, to him dying in her arms minutes after she finds him again. That's HEARTBREAKING---and I am here for absolutely every second of it. I don't think another Star Wars movie has made me cry.John Williams didn't compose the score, but Michael Giacchino knocks the soundtrack out of the park. I don't think I've enjoyed any other Star Wars soundtrack this much besides the OT and PT, and a few of the Mandalorian themes. Every part of the score feels SO perfect.People criticize it for having weaker character development in that all the characters we are introduced to during the movie and then die so we get minimal background. But I feel like for the time we get with each of them, they did pretty well. By contrast, Boba Fett (for example), who they had a whole show about, felt like he got less character development (the Tusken Raider scenes I thought were building up to that, but honestly they didn't pull a lot from that into who he is as a person, imo).I have personal issues with basically all of the sequels and some of the new shows, and I know some will agree and others will disagree. But I think it's hard to deny that Rogue One captures the overall feel and vibe of what Star Wars was originally all about at a level that's been difficult for Disney to match to date.I think I've genuinely re-watched Rogue One over 50 times since it came out. via /r/StarWars

If R2-D2 had a human voice, whose voice would you want it to be?

No text found via /r/StarWars

Since the prequel retcons, is there an in-universe explanation of why Obi-wan told Luke his father wanted him to have his old lightsabre, but his uncle wouldn't allow it?

No text found via /r/StarWars

The Obi-Wan Kenobi series recently reignited my interest into Star Wars again after about 15 years..

Was at my cousin’s house a couple days ago and he was watching the Obi-Wan Mini series which completely went past my radar, the prequels are pretty close to me as being a child in the mid to late 2000’s I watched them religiously lol…. (along with the cartoons & games) Although I feel like it would’ve been better as a movie I really was in awe seeing Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen back as their iconic characters.. Ever since then I’m tempted to tip my toes back into Star Wars universe, Is there any “correct” way I should go about this? via /r/StarWars

A fine addition to my collection via /r/StarWars

Friday, July 29, 2022

My wife has been asking for one of those upright greeting signs for a while now. I finally caved, but said I get to pick the greeting. Thought you guys would approve. 👍🏻 via /r/StarWars

"𝐀𝐇𝐒𝐎𝐊𝐀 𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐎" Star Wars Live Wallpaper via /r/StarWars

Luke uses the darkside in return of the jedi via /r/StarWars

Those kind of breathtaking dialogues that makes Clone Wars a very must watch series to SW fans! via /r/StarWars

Are we not gonna talk about how casual R2 and 3PO are at burning bodies...? via /r/StarWars

Look at this insane block Obi-Wan does here. via /r/StarWars

Thursday, July 28, 2022

He needs money for new Death Star via /r/StarWars

A deleted scene from Attack of the Clones featured Padme "finishing" C-3P0 by adding his outer coverings. via /r/StarWars

How do you feel about this show more than a month since it’s completion? via /r/StarWars

just finished my Star Wars jungle canyon Diorama! via /r/StarWars

The best Anakin's scene in Clone Wars! via /r/StarWars

Can someone tell me who the artist is? I forgot their names via /r/StarWars

Natalie Portman dropping her blaster. 2001. via /r/StarWars

"I am the captain now" via /r/StarWars

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

How many of y'all are still up for Sebastian Stan as Luke Skywalker? via /r/StarWars

Harrison Ford on the set of Return of the Jedi via /r/StarWars

Do you guys think Clone Wars and Rebels are necessary, “must see” shows, or do you think they should be considered more as bonus content? via /r/StarWars

Such a badass line via /r/StarWars

A Young Carrie Fisher behind the scenes. via /r/StarWars

A mate of mine (u/kozza_m) went on a cruise which had a ‘dress in white’ theme night… so of course he wore this: via /r/StarWars

Reminder: We don't allow memes or image macros

We want to remind everyone about the above rule in the sidebar."No memes or image macros"When we made this decision we also created a whole separate subreddit for them at /r/starwarsmemes. This also helped other communities flourish like /r/PrequelMemes , r/OTMemes and r/SequelMemes.There are plenty of places you can post memes and image macros on reddit, just not here. In the comments, replying to others, that is one thing. Just not as submissions. Posting them will result in a timeout from the sub.Examples, because we love examples:This is a image macro - Its just text overlaid on a graphic, trying to make a joke, or observation, etc.This is a meme - the Pam comparison format is widespread meme throughout the internet.Not a meme - its unique enough, its more of a homage, and it actually took some creative effort.Ultimately we will make the judgement call if something is borderline. We have also started temp bans for meme postings, repeated postings of this sort by the same user accounts will see their time outs ramp up a bit.We don't hate memes here, heck, even we use them in the comments in sometime. But we also want to promote a higher level of content, discussion and interaction. So we appreciate your cooperation in this effort.If you see them, report them, and help us out. You all have been fantastic in recent months helping with our civility guidelines and our spoiler policy, so please keep up the great efforts and MTFBWY. via /r/StarWars

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Is it just me who doesn’t understand the Rose Tico hate? For the record I have seen Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker. via /r/StarWars

Luke Skywalker knew that not letting the jedi maintain relationships/attachments with their families and other people was a major reason in the jedi order's destruction (Prequel era), but then why didn't he let his batch of younglings maintain relationships with their families etc? via /r/StarWars

Star Wars character height chart (I added feet and inches) via /r/StarWars

Hayden and Natalie while shooting the Prequels. via /r/StarWars

Unpopular opinion: but… this is my favorite character in the Star Wars Saga via /r/StarWars

Lucasfilm doing my boy Kit Fisto dirty via /r/StarWars

Watching Rogue One for the umpteenth time. It is a the only Star Wars "war" movie and might be my favorite next to ESB.

War has consequences. You lose loved ones and none of the other movies showed it in a meaningful way (Clone Wars did a better job in that regard). I don't just like Jyn, Casian, Chirrut, et al, i actually care about their story and their lives. Seeing live action Saw and his new crew? Bonus. I love that there's a legit ground battle, that they did recon on an enemy base, and that they show the cost of rebel lives in waging war against a relentless enemy.Judy my thoughts as a (US) veteran and Star Wars nerd. via /r/StarWars

The pinnacle of Star Wars via /r/StarWars

Monday, July 25, 2022

No matter what you think of Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi, I think we can all agree Mark Hamill did a splendid job in the film via /r/StarWars

I just found the most surprising thing at my grandparents via /r/StarWars

ever since watching obi one, I can't help but look at my grandma & think she always dresses like a jedi on the run from the empire. via /r/StarWars

In this fight, Obi Wan had a lot of hate and anger for Maul, when he killed him, but then why wasn't he seduced by the dark side a single bit as a result of this? via /r/StarWars

My New 3D Printed Figures via /r/StarWars

My Reddit feed is trying to tell me something. But I don’t know what it is…… via /r/StarWars

Shout-out to the two guys with the most dangerous job in outer-space. via /r/StarWars