Thursday, June 28, 2018

Let’s talk about the real lack of diversity in the Star Wars movies. The lack of alien characters in meaningful roles.

It’s utterly unacceptable at this point. We’ve now had 10 Star Wars Movies, a couple dozen tv shows, books and comics out the ass and almost ALL of them are about humans. Human characters in almost literally all of the main roles with only a token alien or two hanging around being used as a joke. They sven use the great and mighty Chewbacca as a joke because the mainstream audience is too dull to understand shriiywookThis galaxy is quite legitimately racist as fuck. It’s an actual policy of the empire and the first order to treat non humans as second class citizens. And not only is the empire doing this, Disney and lucasarts are doing it as well.I will not stand for this injustice anymore. Disney promised diversity and change and the great alien species of the Dugs, twi’leks, gamorians, mon calimari (they fucking killed ackbar OFFSCREEN), gungans, togruta, and countless others are being shafted for Human superiority. via /r/StarWars

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