Thursday, June 28, 2018

Finally re-watching The Last Jedi...

I've only seen it once, liked it when I first saw it, but felt a bit empty. Within the weeks that followed I disliked it more and more as I thought about it, and now I'm really against it. I had heard so much about needing to re-watch it to really appreciate it, but I didn't really want to see it again because of my disappointment. However, I saw it was on Netflix and finally figured: eh, might as well!I guess I'm in the minority, but on the re-watch it's so much more boring than I expected. I think at least the first time around, the shock of all the unexpected things kept me interested, but knowing all that is happening, I really don't care for much of it. The Luke stuff is still good because Mark Hamill steals absolutely every scene he's in, same with the Kylo stuff, but everything else is dreadfully boring.On the bright side, I can finally pinpoint why I hate Rose so much! I always disliked her character but couldn't quite remember why I hated her from the moment I met her, but re-watching reminded me. She single-handedly stopped my favorite sequel character (Finn) from an interesting storyline. I just think about how much better the film would be if he got on that escape pod and did...anything else besides going to Canto Blight with Rose. It was so disappointing to see Finn's character go from extremely interesting to comic idiot.Oh well, I'm not sure whether I'll get upvoted or downvoted because this subreddit seems to change its opinion on the film every day, but I'm really disappointed on my re-watch:( via /r/StarWars

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