Sunday, May 20, 2018

In defense of Ewoks

One of the things I see repeated often on this sub is, "oh, Return of the Jedi sucks because Ewoks are so stupid. It would have been much cooler if it had been Wookies instead." Every somebody repeats that line, my 8 year old self cries a little bit.You see, Star Wars does not exist just to display things you think would be sweet on a screen for your amusement. There is this thing called "theme" which the creators of Star Wars thought very hard about. One of the themes which runs through the entire series is that the small can defeat the big.A small R2 unit can carry the last hope of the Rebellion. A small, one-man fighter can destroy the Death Star. A little weird alien can be a legendary Jedi. A farm boy from nowhere can defeat the Emperor. This theme runs through the entire story.And to cap it all off, a bunch of furry little teddy bears can take on en entire legion of the Emperor's best troops and win. If the Battle of Endor had been fought by an army of eight foot tall technologically advanced gorilla people who can tear people's limbs out of their sockets, it would have undermined one of the most important themes in the story.So here is my salute to those fuzzy little guys, and all the kids who saw in them a little bit of themselves. via /r/StarWars

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