Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Is anyone else getting a little fatigued with the sassy droid trope of Star Wars?

Ever since the Lucasfilm acquisition by Disney we've had the introduction of a number of new droid characters into the Star Wars franchise: Chopper, BB8, K2S0, AP5 and most recently L337.R2D2 was always the fan-favourite of the OT but C3PO had his place in the story to give a contrast to the fiercely independent R2. The thing is, the OT and PT made it very clear that R2 was special because of his traits which gave him much more value in the eyes of our protagonists. Fast-forward a tv-series and 4 theatrical releases and we've only seen the same traits in every new droid character (even most of the minor droids in Rebels and Clone Wars). Aren't most droids meant to be like C3PO? Does anyone else find this kind of jarring?To be clear, I like all of those characters but I feel like their quality and charm diminishes without the contrast of at least a few ordinary droids scattered through the story like a C3PO. Also, this is not asking whether or not you liked L3 but what you think of the trope that's developed in the franchise. via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/2sebO6U

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