Thursday, May 24, 2018

Solo was absolutely phenomenal. (No spoilers)

When I walked out of the midnight screening for TLJ, i felt disappointed, upset, and empty. I didn't feel like i'd watched a Star Wars film. I'm not hating on it, i tried so hard to like it but it just wasn't for me. It made the magic of the franchise go away for me.Last night, i felt the complete opposite. Ho-lee fuck. Solo was absolutely phenomenal. Alden and Donald nailed the roles of Han and Lando, down to the voices and the mannerisms. The origin stories fit so well and didn't feel shoehorned in at all, and the pacing was great. It was a 2 and a half hour movie, but it felt like 40 minutes. The story was great and the score was magical. Granted, it wasn't perfect, there were definitely a few bits that didn't need to be in there but I can look past that. I left the cinema feeling like i'd just seen a Star Wars film.If you're boycotting Solo because of TLJ's shortcomings, please don't make any judgements until you've actually seen the film. You'll be pleasantly surprised. It's definitely brought the magic back for me, and I hope it does for you too. via /r/StarWars

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