Monday, June 18, 2018

TLJ: Why does Luke become a myth?

The movie implies that Luke transcends from being a legend to becoming a myth due to his Force projection. The last scene implies that.I don't really get how that is supposed to draw interest in the galaxy. Who did see Luke's projection? Just a hand full of surviving rebels who didn't even see him vanish, as they escaped while he was doing it. He didn't even defeat anybody.How many of them are going to understand what happened, even if Leia and Rei explained it? Do Leia and Rei even know what happened? How can they, if this trick is supposed to be new in the SW world? And if it isn't, how does it make Luke a myth?If a couple of rebels told the story of this apparition, would the galaxy really be shocked and amazed? Or would they rather just shrug, unsure what to make of such a story?So why should anybody care? Especially since the rebellion has basically failed at this point. If anything, he should become a myth years and years after the defeat against the FO. Until then this is just a curious anecdote for a local paper. via /r/StarWars

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