Thursday, January 25, 2018

[Spoiler]Poe should have replaced Rose in TLJ

First of all, I wanna say that this is in no way meant to discredit Kelly Marie Tran. I think she did a good job and played her part very well, I just didn't like her character a whole lot.Anyway, here's what I'm thinking:The movie sets up this character arc that Poe is too reckless for his own good, but then never really does anything about it. He's responsible for losing half the fighter fleet in the bomber attack and starts a mutiny later, but gets nothing more than a slap on the wrist. It would have been a much better payoff if he had been the one who had saved Finn from his suicide run in the end. It would show that he had learned his lesson and it would even make Rose's awkward line ("We’re going to win this war, not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.") actually believable, as Poe did just that in the beginning: He went out of his way to initiate an attack against the enemy and paid the price for it. The Canto Bight scene could show this realization, as they save the kids and the Fathiers (the space horses).Regarding the fight against Captain Phasma, one thing that I disliked about this part is how many unnecessary action hero phrases Finn and Rose uttered in those two or so minutes ("Chrome Dome", "Rebel Scum", "Need a ride?" etc.). Again, this would have been much more believable if Poe had played Rose's part, since he's generally portrayed as a cocky jokester, as seen in his conversation with Hux in the beginning, for example. Phasma could also recognize Poe, giving the fight more meaning. As far as I understand, Phasma also appears in some of the Poe Dameron comics, although I haven't read them, so maybe someone else could chime in on this topic. They even brought BB-8, Poe's droid, along with them during the whole sequence. It really feels like this part was initially written for Poe.The relationship between Rose and Finn felt somewhat forced, in my opinion. They've only known each other for a few hours and the kiss came totally out of nowhere (even Finn seemed surprised). Poe and Finn actually have some history together. Of course, since TLJ takes place right after TFA and Finn has been in a coma in the meantime, they don't know each other for that long either. But I think that's neglegible, as Poe holds a special significance in Finn's life. He was the first one to see him as a human, not just as a number and he even gave him his name. How beautiful is that? Realistically speaking, I don't think Disney would allow a gay relationship in one of their mainstream movies, as that would probably scare off some of their target audiences. But hey, a man can dream.You'd have to remove the conflict between Poe and Holdo, but I don't think that that would necessarily be a bad step. The entire argument felt artificial anyway, as it could instantly be solved if Holdo had simply told the crew what her plan was. Consequentially, you'd have to come up with a different reason for Finn and Poe to go find the slicer (Benici del Toro), but that's easy, too. Just give them some other McGuffin to chase, maybe something like "We have to disable the First Order's tracking, so they won't detect our transport ships leaving for Crait." Instead of being Rose's sister, Paige could be established as a close friend of Poe and her death would show him the consequences of his initial attack. The rest of the story could stay pretty much the same. via /r/StarWars

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