Sunday, January 28, 2018

I finally figured out what bothers me about how Snoke was handled.

In Star Wars, as in many great stories, there are many mysteries that are often left unsolved or unexplained. However, after THE LAST JEDI, (which I loved btw), I found myself somewhat frustrated with the lack of explanation as to where Snoke came from, why he had contact with Ben as a child, and how he arose to command the First Order. I know the official explanation, ("it's not important to the story"), however, I still felt somewhat cheated. A month later, I finally realized why. It's because the other mysteries of the movies are also often unknown to the characters. In regards to this, Leia, Luke, Han -- they all seem to have an idea of who Snoke is, or at least how he came about to know Ben and turn him to the dark side. I feel like the I, as an audience member, grew frustrated that I didn't (and now most likely won't), get the knowledge that it seems like most major characters have. It's like being in a room full of people and you're the only one not being told a big secret. Did anyone else feel this way? via /r/StarWars

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