Sunday, October 20, 2019

Telling Luke Vader killed his father made perfect sense and they shouldn't have tried to explain it

Growing up with Star Wars, I've always seen people talking about this 'plot hole' because the writers' original intention was for Luke's father to really have been killed by Vader. And so, after episode V, they had to give that rather awkward 'from a certain point of view' scene to explain that bit.However, it never made much sense to me why they needed to explain that. It made perfect sense: you don't want to tell the ranch kid hero-to-be right off the bat that the big baddie is his father. At best it would devastate him and take much of the already lacking joy from his life, at worst it would have made him too curious in the wrong way. I never saw Kenobi as a liar like some do but rather as someone trying to protect a naive kid from the bitter truth, and the scene would have been better if they had gone with the latter. Kenobi had already failed with Vader, it made sense that he would be wary of what he says.What do you think? I always thought about it but I never thought about asking anyone what that. via /r/StarWars

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