Sunday, October 20, 2019

My dream for an ambitious Star Wars Game in the Modern Era!

For the last few years I've often thought about how awesome an ambitious Star Wars RPG could be, so I thought I'd share the culmination of my thoughts on the kind of game the could be made today using innovations from other games.Star Wars: Galaxy at WarWhat is it? This is the ambitious modern RPG Star Wars game we have all dreamed about. Imagine a Star Wars game that combines all the greatest things in modern gaming into one addicting and unforgettable game of the decade. What great things am I talking about? How about:· The amazing story, commitment, ambition and RPG elements of the Witcher 3· The scale, mechanics and ship playability of Star Citizen (Being able to get in one of many ships, flying it across the entirety of a huge planet and landing anywhere you want not just a small chunk of it. Going into space and being able to leave your ship and float into another one, or jumping to an entirely different system in a seamless and realistic experience)· The fun team-based ship combat of Sea of Thieves (Someone piloting, people on turrets, people repairing holes)· The mobility and gunplay of Destiny· A Skyrim like skill system where you can spec your character in a wide variety of abilities and build something completely uniqueYou may be asking yourself; how would all of these things work together? Well imagine a vast open worlds RPG game where your character handles like Destiny, where there’s many different unique skill trees with massively different playstyles. In this world you can own a variety of Star Wars ships from an X-Wing to an Imperial Corvette, all of which you and your friends (or npc’s if you don’t have any) can fly around a fully generated planet and its surrounding solar system, exploring, hauling cargo, fighting rebel scum or engaging in massive space battles. Ideally the ships would have mechanics similar to Star Citizen where you can jump out anywhere, and really have a huge amount of freedom in a realistic space sim, but hopefully handle more like Sea of Thieves with simpler mechanics and less lag.However this all would be a huge undertaking even if they are just copying others innovations, and the systems you can travel to in the base game would probably have to be limited from 8-12 to allow the developers to make, fill and perfect so much scale and space. This game would certainly be no simple task and probably require a studio of several hundred people, 5 years and around $400 million to make, but if done correctly it would be so groundbreaking and popular it would easily capture the hearts and minds of both gamers and Star Wars fans making billions! In many ways this would be a modern and more ambitious version of KOTOR, something fans have been asking for over a decade now.Now that you have an idea of the type of game this would be, let me go into some details about the story and mechanics:Story: I think it would make the most sense for the story to take someplace between the Battle of Endor and the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion, but the Great Galactic War during the Old Republic would make sense as well. The jist of the story would be you’re an individual who just so happens to be strong in the force(don’t necessarily need to be a force user though) and your set free into this period of struggling factions and ideologies with the freedom to pick sides and make decisions that affect the future of the galaxy, whether that means fighting for the Imperial remnant or joining a radical sect of the Rebellion. The greater story, like the villain would all have to be determined by the time period its set in, but I think you guys get the idea.Classes and Skills (Some SWTOR inspiration): Much like Skyrim there would be no set “classes” that you choose, rather you build your own class by how you choose to invest your skill points. Skill trees would essentially have a main tree like “The Mandalorian” but maybe also split into two sub trees like the “Bounty Hunter” and “The Warrior”. But I think this would be one of the coolest functions of the game, where you can choose to invest in Imperial Agent skills who gets cool stealth tech, droids and portable shields, or a Bounty Hunter with Jet packs, Flamethrowers and Bombs, or some combination of all the classes! But once you’ve invested far enough into certain trees a faction like the Jedi may allow you to join them and get special gear, abilities and quests that you wouldn’t be able to access if you hadn’t specced at all into it. Just off the top of my head, foreseeable skill trees would be : The Force (Jedi, Neutral, Sith), Lightsabers (improve damage, Amount/Type of Lightsaber, Saber Forms (Actually change the way your character fights and moves with saber in game)), Guns (A bunch of gun related upgrades), The Mandalorian (The Warrior, The Bounty Hunter), The Agent (The Operative, The Spy), The Soldier (The Commando, The Bastion).Species: Compared to everything else the developers could fairly easily add a bunch of different Humanoid races all with minor stat differences just to add to the immersion of the game.Guns, Clothing and Customizability: There should be a wide variety of guns, clothes and ships all of which should be broken down into parts which can be mix and matched. I should be able to mix the cool Bounty Hunter Cape I got with my Sith Chest piece, and then add my Soldier Shoulder Pads on top, then colorize them all individually with shaders. Adding onto that all clothing should be cool and unique, following design philosophies of their intended class like the concept art of Destiny suggested. Ships would take a little less creativity since we already have hundreds of predesigned and unique ships, we simply need to do justice too, but the ships should be custom as well. Maybe I really like my one-seater X-Wing and I blow all my credits on it throughout the game adding cool shaders and designs while swapping its basic engine for a Hyperdrive and upgraded weapons at a cost of maneuverability and speed.Small Instances vs. Large Instances: When I was originally thinking about this, I knew I wanted to be able to play with my friends and against other players, but I didn’t want an MMORPG. I think the best solution to this problem is to allow players to play completely single player offline, or in small instances where their friends can join, and it might load in a few nonaligned players every now and again but not everyone on a huge server. You could also have an option in the menu to do Multiplayer with many players where it will load the big Ground to Space battles with only that map, and then it allows like 30 players all with their own characters in that mode.​Just wanted to share this sweet dream with the you guys and see if you thought about it as well! Let me know what you guys think of this idea, if you think any developer is up for the job, or if EA has any interest in giving up their monopoly on the license or making a good SW game as well as any ideas you guys have had. via /r/StarWars

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