Sunday, October 27, 2019

Two Questions I Can't Seem To Understand.

I've had these two questions in my mind for quite some time. Hopefully I'll be able to get some answers here!When Anakin fell to the Dark Side and was talking with his wife about the "Jedi revolt", he had mentioned to her that he had hoped Obi Wan swore loyalty to Palpatine, or something along those lines. Do you think if Obi Wan *did* end up swearing allegiance to Palpatine, that Palpatine would have allowed it? Or do you think he would have had him killed regardless?As we all know, Palpatine heavily manipulated Anakin/Vader and constantly tortured him physically and mentally throughout his time as his master. He'd send him on missions constantly to test his loyalty, to see if he could survive and even just for the heck of it. Not to mention trying to have him replaced for a less "damaged" apprentice many times. Was he treated this way for his failure and defeat to Obi Wan? And if so, do you think he still would have treated him the same way even if Vader never lost his arms and legs and ended up killing his former master on Mustafar? To me, it feels like he was doing all of this to punish Vader for his failure, so I've always wondered if he would have treated him better if he hadn't failed his duel. via /r/StarWars

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