Sunday, October 20, 2019

Anakin as he's portrayed in Clone Wars is my favorite Jedi, no joke.

He's a total badass throughout the clone wars, leading multiple victories and becoming a well respected war hero within the Republic. He is able to make everything work out for him due to his will to succeed and insane natural talent. This series does such a great job of humanizing his fall to the dark side, solidifying his relationship with Obi Wan, and TOTALLY JUSTIFYING him being pissed about not being made a full-fledged Jedi in Episode 3. Plus his relationship with his padawan Ahsoka, really adds a ton of depth to his character.Just to clarify, i'm not a "prequels hater". ROTS is my second favorite star wars movie. And i don't blame Hayden. He's a good actor. Hayden even tried to change the script. His idea of the character was way better. Anakin in Clone Wars was exactly what Hayden wanted in the movies. He wanted less whining and brooding, more quips, jokes, personality, capability, etc. Too bad George shot all that down. via /r/StarWars

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