Sunday, February 17, 2019

I feel like a fool for not giving Solo a chance.

What can i say.Im a huge fan of star wars ever since the first 3 movies, wore my VHS tapes down watching the original trilogy so much and have watched every new movie they have made, until Solo. I dont know why didnt give it a shot i just read some reviews online that said it was ok but didnt feel like a star wars movie along with some behind the scenes controversy about switching directors and other mishaps. Im not saying i boycotted Solo or anything i just passed it up which looking back on it i find confusing because i gave Rogue One a watch and found i liked it more than The Force Awakens.I just gave Solo a watch on Netflix and thought it was amazing. The first 2 acts are fast paced but still deliver the well written dialogue memorably, the 3rd felt a little bogged down with tying up the different plot threads but still left the film satisfied. I feel like a damn fool for not giving the movie a shot when it came out and i can only blame myself. via /r/StarWars

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