Sunday, February 24, 2019

Taking a step back from the community to preserve one's love for the franchise, have you ever done this?

Personally; there was a time when I'd answer more questions, provide info, post news, clarify canon [and Legends] lore, etc. for others in a week's time than most average SW Redditors would post in a year's time. But after doing this for a good long while I noticed my love of this franchise was dwindling because of it. So in an effort to preserve my love for Star Wars, I decided to drastically dial back such contributions. Especially since such a task was thankless, and in fact drew ire.While it has only been about a week, I've already found my love for SW rekindled. I get excited at SW news instead of bracing myself for the slew of arguments it would bring. I've enjoyed reading Star Wars books again. I can browse SW subs without feeling a (self-imposed) "duty" to answer questions and in short, enjoy SW and its communities again. via /r/StarWars

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