Sunday, February 24, 2019

An argument in favor of Anakin's original force ghost

I recently had a discussion about the decision to change Anakin's force ghost at the end of ROTJ from vaders actor Sebastian Shaw to young Anakin's actor Hayden Christensen.Let me preface this by saying I love the prequels. I grew up with them and while I in no way think they are good movies, the films are enjoyable and with the context of the Clone Wars tv show they tell the touching story of Anakin's fall as a jedi and the loss of his and Obi-Wan's friendship. Hayden Christensen has become iconic as Anakin and I have no issue with him being the face of Anakin Skywalker.But he shouldn't be Anakin's ghost.The entire point of the ending of Return of the Jedi was that after years of having been corrupted as Darth Vader, Lukes adherence to the Jedi principles and refusal to strike down his father in anger is what causes Anakin to realize that he's been consumed by the dark side. He then atones as best as he can by sacrificing himself to kill Palpatine and asks Luke to remove his mask in a final act symbolizing his freedom from Darth Vader.Anakin has mere minutes as a jedi before he succumbs to his wounds, but it's extremely important to note that he died a jedi. This is why Luke gives him a traditional jedi funeral, and why he is able to apparate as a force ghost.This is what makes the ending scene significant.Anakin appears not as the intimidating figure of Lord Vader, but as a mild old Jedi knight, like he would have appeared if he had never been corrupted by the dark side.He nods to Obi-Wan, who smiles at seeing his friend finally free of the Dark Side, and the film ends with them standing side by side as old friends once more.Having Anakin appear as he had looked when in his 30's would discredit his sacrifice in the final scene. It would imply that the last time he was truly a jedi was when he was the young hotheaded general who saw the jedi code as a hindrance, and not a healed version of the wisened old man who finally understood the importance of peace. Additionally, it removes the symbolism of Anakin and Obi-Wan standing side by side as old friends once again. With Anakin appearing as an apprentice to Obi-Wan rather than an equal.For the record, this isn't me saying that anyone who feels Christensen's Anakin is a better fit is wrong, I just wanted to explain why I felt that it cheapened the film. If anyone disagrees with me, I'd be more than happy to hear your thoughts as to why. via /r/StarWars

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