Sunday, February 24, 2019

Was Obi-Wan more powerful than we know

So just thinking about this, it seems to me every time we see Obi-Wan after the events of RoS he seems like he has taken the way of the Jedi to a new level, almost in the same way we see Yoda or Luke in TLJ. I think his fight against Maul pretty much proves this because at the time of that fight Maul is actually still pretty powerful which we see in the Season Two end of Rebels yet Obi-Wan takes him down easily. No only that when he fights Vader in ANH I always felt like he wanted to be struck down, like it was a deliberate act.​Makes me wonder how much more there is to explore in what happened to the man during his time on Tatooine. via /r/StarWars

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