Sunday, February 17, 2019

Help my Dad have a chance to see Episode 9

This last week my Dad learned he has cancer at age 48. The news got even worse when hr learned that it was stage 4 and even with a high amount of chemo, he would have a max of 6 months to a year.When he was a kid he went and saw star wars (now known as a new hope) with his Dad. He couldn't count the amount of times he saw it. This went on with his dad seeing the new movies until episode 1 when he brought me instead. Then that legacy has gone until now. No matter what the criticism was of the newer movies we went and saw every one in theatres multiple times.His Dad got cancer and didn't live to see the Force Awakens and that has bugged him ever since. I can't bare the thought of losing him before he has a chance to see episode 9.Now i don't know if this is even remotely possible, but I know that if it is, then Reddit is the place to ask.Please, if you know ANYTHING that could get me closer to sharing one last Star Wars with my Dad, i would be forever grateful.Thank you.Edit: From suggestions I have tweeted JJ but im terrible at twitter so i dont know if i am supposed to put social media links here, but if i get the go ahead i will link my tweet so maybe people can share it? Sorry im terrible at social media.Edit 2: A kind stranger gave this post gold to attract more attention, thank you so much!Also people were asking for twitter links to retweet so here is my tweet to Mr. Hammil: via /r/StarWars

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