Sunday, January 23, 2022

Why I think the Book of Boba Fett wouldn’t have worked chronologically

Why I think the series wouldn’t have worked chronologically.I’ve seen multiple comments from people saying they think the show would’ve flowed better had it started with the Sarlaac escape and stayed with that story chronologically until we get to crime lord Boba around episode 3/4.I don’t think it would’ve worked because as we’ve seen so far, the flashbacks have been where the vast majority of the action sequences have been. Crime lord Boba story has been much more Boba getting with the grips of the land, realising what he’s dealing with before eventual war breaks out.So if we had done the story chronologically it would’ve gone:Ep 1: Sarlacc escape, monster kill, possible train sequence (very action heavy episode) Ep 2: Tusken massacre, Boba meets Fennec, they rescue his ship, destroy the bikers and the Sarlacc (very action heavy episode) Ep 3: Boba meets his tributes, the ninja fight, Boba meets the mayor and the hutts (minimal action) Ep 4: Boba meets the mods, Boba fights Krssantan, Boba gets a Rancor, Boba hires Krssantan and has a meeting with the families (minimal action).So I think people complaining about the pace would’ve absolutely hated how much slower the story becomes with the crime storyline. We’d have gone from very busy action heavy episodes to two episodes with Boba mainly walking and talking. The balance between the action heavy flashbacks and the talk heavy present is the best way for it to be well balanced.The reason why we can stay with the crime storyline now because the action is picking up and war is beginning. So I personally think the way it has been done is the best way they could’ve done it. via /r/StarWars

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