Tuesday, January 18, 2022

BoBF is the Boba we need even if not the one some want.

Many discussions about Boba in BoBF. So I'll throw my thoughts/comments in the ring as well. The Boba we see is exactly who Boba should be right now. Allow me to explain. First, I'm not going to argue or debate whether or not he was the super bad-ass people want him to be, in his prime around the ESB timeline. I will say that his capture of Han Solo, he was at the top of his game reputation-wise in the SW universe, and bringing in this bounty made him a legend in his world. Here is where the wheels come off the cart though, Boba fell for the very common trap of believing his own hype. He was now spending more time at Jabba's place, enjoying wine, women and song. And losing his edge. At the "disaster of the sail barge" Boba was drunk/high and got himself literally in the shit. Upon his emergence from the Sarlacc he had the beginning of his metamorphosis that is common to people experiencing traumatic near-death experiences. The "what the hell am I doing with myself??" His time with the Tuskens showed him compassion and strength in the creation of things rather than the destruction of things. This spoke to him in ways that he hadn't considered before. Again, something common to a man of action in their prime, but now on the downhill side of that prime. You start to consider "what is my legacy?" and in boba its "I almost got eaten by a worm in a hole because I sucked. I need to rethink this". Physically, his many years of hard living have finally caught up with him, not to mention he has lasting effects of the Sarlacc juice (likely), which means he's a little slower and more careful. Why was he more effective in Mandalorian? Jumping out of world, it would be because those showrunners wanted to make Boba appear like this and very likely didn't have a spin-off series in mind yet. Back in universe, its likely that 1. Those stormtroopers were not the best-of-the-best. They are simply whats left. They are around now because there weren't worth participating in the battles of the rebellion because they were too young, too green, or too ineffective. 2. Boba can turn it up to 11 when he needs to, but it takes a toll. He had his eye on the prize in Mando and brought the pain, but likely spent a great deal of time in bacta juice after. He hasn't really had to do the same since. The assassins in the market, he had Fenic with him and honestly I think he was studying them more than just trying to wipe them out (who are they and why are they here). All that being said, I think when he really needs to engage 100% as a fighter rather than direct as a leader, we will see a more "classic" boba bad-assery (although brief) that some seem to want.For me, this is 100% the type of man I think Boba would be now. He's a retired military man with bad knees and a bad back (like me) who is trying to make something with the new chapter of his life and realizes he can't do exactly what he used to do. He is older, wiser and there is a new type of bad-assery that will come with that.TL/DR Boba is older and half broke. This is how he would really be. via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/3IjlktJ

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