Monday, March 15, 2021

Wedge Antilles watched his stepson die

I can’t fall asleep (for reasons unrelated to this post, just your garden variety insomnia) so I give you a fun Star Wars fact. After the Aftermath books (1 year after ROTJ), Wedge Antilles settled down with Nora Wexley (who is at least ten-fifteen years his senior) on Akiva. She is none other than the mother of Temin “Snap” Wexley, who is about five-ten years younger than Wedge, and unceremoniously smashed into the side of a Star Destroyer at Exgogol. Wedge was in the gunner position on the Falcon, which is a real shame, since both he, his wife (who did not appear in the movie), and his aforementioned stepson, are star pilots. So Wedge watched his stepson die. That’s your fun fact for the day. via /r/StarWars

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