Sunday, March 14, 2021

Has anybody updated the Bigger Luke Theory to include his appearances after Return of the Jedi??

Context for anyone who needs it.This was prompted by listening to a recent episode of the Star Wars Minute podcast where they both reference the Bigger Luke Theory and a camera trick where the camera changes angles to make Luke feel more intimidating and it got the gears turning in my head about extending the Bigger Luke Theory past the OT.What’s Bigger Luke been up to all these years? Did he go hang out on Ahch-To too? Which Luke died at the end of TLJ? Do we see both Lukes in TROS, explaining his different hairstyles from shot to shot? What about The Mandalorian? Luke looked a little funny in those scenes. Perhaps Grogu is training with Bigger Luke and not regular Luke?What do you think? Can we make a unifying Bigger Luke Theory? A theory of everything bigger than Luke? via /r/StarWars

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