Sunday, March 28, 2021

Showerthought: The Ewoks were always going to attack the Empire

Not sure if this has already been discussed to death, but this was my revelation following my latest viewing of ROTJ (despecialized, of course).And it’s pretty obvious in retrospect, but a lot of the attack infrastructure (like the felled logs which took out multiple AT-ST’s) is simply too complicated to be assembled quickly and too specifically useful against the walkers to be used for anything else, really. Those guys were planning an attack and had the resources on hand to carry it out.And it makes sense, the imperials were almost certainly assholes who killed individual Ewoks for sport and despoiled the natural beauty of their home. Some sort of insurgency was inevitable.Then, imagine a Golden God appears and appears to bless your attack and brings allies to your fight, and it became inevitable at that point.Ewoks; they’re not just tiny bears! via /r/StarWars

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