Monday, March 15, 2021

Let's talk about the soundtracks

Does anyone else get irrationally annoyed at how John William's track titles are not in chronological order of each film's story?Like 'Duel of the Fates' being the second track on the Phantom Menace soundtrack. Or 'Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious' inexplicably placed between 'The Immolation Scene' and 'The Birth of the Twins and Padmé's Destiny'.It just bugs me so much, and it's too much of a hassle to skip around tracks manually so I just leave it alone lol. (also does anyone remember the controversy back in '99 when people got spoiled by the Phantom Menace soundtrack? Mostly because news channels kept reporting on it lol. Good times)Anyway, what's your favourite SW soundtrack? Today I'm listening to the prequels, Rogue One and Solo for the first time.Last night I rewatched ROTS for the first time since its release, and I think John Williams did all the heavy lifting in that movie (followed immediately by Ian McDiarmid!).As for my favourite, I can't decide until I listen to all of them, but I suspect ESB will remain my favourite. It's just too iconic. via /r/StarWars

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