Sunday, January 3, 2021

Why Anakin had to become Darth Vader in order to fulfill the prophesy and bring balance to the force

To begin the analysis, it needs to be established what bringing balance to the force actually means. In the ROTS novelization, Yoda and Obi-Wan discuss how the Jedi did not know the full extend of what bringing balance to the force meant. They viewed it as permanently destroying the Sith. Some fans portray it as there being an equal amount of light and dark side users. George Lucas explains that the force will be in balance when the dark side (greed, corruption) is destroyed and the light side (selflessness) prevails, which is the version I believe to be correct and will be using for the purpose of this post. There’s more on how the whills feed off of it and want the force to be balanced, but that isn’t the purpose of this post.What if Anakin didn’t disarm Mace Windu and they killed Palpatine? This would not bring balance to the force. Why? The Jedi were corrupt in their own way. They feared the dark side, just as Anakin feared losing his mother and his wife. The ROTS novelization goes more into depth how Anakin feels their fear, which is part of why he distrusts the Jedi, especially the high council. We all know that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering, or the dark side, meaning that the Jedi’s fear of the dark side was feeding the darkness (Ironic). In order for Anakin to bring balance to the force, he had to eradicate not only the Sith as he did in ROTJ, but all the Jedi that feared the dark side. I keep referencing the ROTS novel, but it has a lot of insight, so I will also mention how Obi-Wan wanted to train Luke and Leia from an early age, but Yoda refused because he didn’t want them to be taught the ways of the old Jedi, of the Old Republic. They would need to learn the ways of the Force without fear of the dark side. It’s exemplified the best in ROTJ as Luke still believes he can redeem his father, while Obi-Wan and Yoda are certain that he is irredeemable. They are too set in the ways of old, which is why the Jedi had to die and the order had to start anew.To note, having no fear of the dark side and being a grey Jedi are not the same thing. Grey Jedi utilize both sides of the force for selfless reasons while a true Jedi will have no fear of the dark side and will use the light side for selfless reasons. I believe Qui Gon was one of the last true Jedi of the republic era as he did not care for politics or morals, but rather the will of the force and the present moment. He and Luke are examples of what the Jedi should be, which is why it frustrates me to no end when people think Qui Gon is a grey Jedi.Thank you to anyone who read this far, may the force be with you. via /r/StarWars

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