Monday, March 30, 2020

In These Dark Times.

Like most of us, I've loved Star Wars since I was a kid. Some people don't like where it's heading, some people do. Personally, I love every bit of Star Wars out there. But that's not really the point. Star Wars is like a lifeline for me. Every bit of trauma I've gone through, it's given some sort of solace. Some light to turn to.A couple of years ago I lost my girlfriend suddenly and unexpectedly. In my most grief riddled moments I turned to the galaxy far, far away. I was watching one movie or another.I met my current girlfriend about 6 months after that loss. I, more or less, introduced her to the wide array of Star Wars. Before we started dating she said she wanted to watch the prequels but we spent all night talking while The Phantom Menace was in the background. We've seen every film since then, and The Mandalorian. We've seen every film since The Last Jedi opening night.The Earth is in a rough place right now. I'm trying to stay strong but it's hard. All in all... I'm real scared. My girlfriend already has anxiety and infrequent panic attacks so I'm doing my best to put on a brave face for her. Luckily, we're both still employed.Unluckily, only she can work from home. I have a weird schedule. After Monday, I'm off until Thursday, and then have Friday Saturday and Sunday off. But after that I'm on the clock for roughly 8 days. I call these days my long stretch.On my three days off I'm very much looking forward to binging every movie out so far. It gives me something to look forward to.So thank you Star Wars. Thank you George, thank you Disney, and every name involved in the process.In these dark times I have a light. via /r/StarWars

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