Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Last Jedi novelization prologue and alternate timeline

I noticed that the main "butterfly effect" difference in Luke's dream / alternate "bad future" timeline was not some huge dramatic moral decision on his part. It was simply going out to search for R2D2 right away at night, rather than waiting until morning.In canon, Luke gets beat up by Tusken raiders in the morning and has to get rescued by Obi-Wan Kenobi, leading to Luke's "call to adventure."In the Force dream, Luke goes out at night when it is even more dangerous but -- against the odds -- succeeds in retrieving R2D2 without getting attacked. Obi-Wan arrives at the house too late to inform Luke about what is at stake, and Luke turns in the droids to the Imperials because he doesn't really know what's going on (and the droids would have been confiscated no matter what at that point). From there on out, he is "Lucky Luke" and leads a charmed life where he has only ever known success in his personal life. Except, obviously, the galaxy is further in the clutches of the Empire, Jabba still controls the planet, and Princess Leia was executed long ago.So basically, Luke saved the galaxy because he got knocked down, not because he made a different choice in an apples-for-apples situation. It was not just in spite of failure, but because of failure, that he was able to become a hero.I thought it was a nice touch foreshadowing Yoda's surprise lesson to him later on.Also -- anyone else notice the emphasis that the Tusken Raiders hadn't been around for 20 years in the alternate timeline? Maybe when Luke was around 30, Darth Vader woke up one day, decided that a village massacre wasn't enough to avenge his mother, and decided to order a planet-wide genocide. via /r/StarWars

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