Monday, March 26, 2018

Thoughts About Luke Throwing His Lightsaber

A part in TLJ many people seem to hate I believe is misunderstood. I’m talking about the part when Luke throws his old lightsaber over his shoulder like it means nothing to him, after Rey hands it to him. At first I found this part quite stupid and almost a sign of disrespect to the OT.However, after rewatching the movie, I believe it’s more Luke showing his remorse for the Jedi way and his disrespect for Rey. He sees a stranger handing him an old relic that means nothing to him anymore, and the stranger means even less (at the time).Basically what I’m saying is this scene wasn’t just a poorly used moment for a petty laugh, but a moment to show how much Luke resented the Jedi order.I may be thinking too much or too little about this scene, or possibly bringing up a point that’s already been stated. I’m just mentioning something I haven’t heard mentioned already.[Edit]I made this post as I was rewatching TLJ. I just wanted to give my two cents and see what everyone else think. I appreciate all the comments and different opinions. Star Wars bring tons of different ideas and emotions. That’s what makes the fan base so awesome!Keep ‘em coming! via /r/StarWars

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