Sunday, March 11, 2018

Snoke stuff from TLJ book.

(Here’s a few words that happen during the lead up to the Throne Room scene. I found the details compelling & thought you would to.)Interpreting visions of the future was a dangerous game. Whether Jedi, Sith or some other sect less celebrated by history. All those who use the Force to explore possible timelines, kept that uppermost in their minds. Those who didn’t, died regretting that they hadn’t. Snoke learned that lesson many years ago when he was young and the galaxy was very different. These days, what struck him was how much visions of the future left out.The evolution of the First Order had been more improvisation than master plan. That was another element visions tended to miss. Palpatine had engineered the contingency to simultainiously destroy his Empire and insure it’s rebirth. Ruthlessly winnowing it’s ranks and rebuilding them with who and what survived. The rebuilding was to take place in the unknown regions. Secretly explored by Imperials scouts and seeded with shipyards, laboratories and store houses. An enormously expensive effort that had taken decades and had been kept hidden from all but the elect. But the Imperial refugees’ military preparations had been insufficient bulwarks against the terrors of the unknown regions. Grasping in the dark among strange stars, they had come carelessly close to destruction and it had not been military might that had saved them. It had been knowledge. Snoke’s knowledge, which ironically led back to Palpatine and his secrets.Papatine’s true identity as Darth Sidious, heir to the Sith, had been an even greater secret than the contingency. The Empire’s explorations into the unknown regions had served both aspects of it’s ruler. For Sidious knew that the galaxy’s knowledge of the Force had come from those long abandoned, half legendary star systems and that great truths awaited rediscovery among them. Truths that Snoke had learned and made to serve his own ends.One obstacle had stood in his way. Skywalker, who had been wise enough not to rebuild the Jedi Order. Dismissing it as the sclerotic, self-perpetuating, debating society it had become in it’s death throws. Instead, the last Jedi had sought to understand the origins of the faith and the larger truths behind it. Like his father, Skywalker had been a favored instrument of the will of the Cosmic Force. That made it essential to watch him and once Skywalker endangered Snoke’s design, it had become essential to act and so Snoke had drawn upon his vast store of knowledge. Parceling it out to confuse Skywalker’s path. Ensnare his family and harness Ben Solo’s powers to ensure both Skywalker’s destruction and Snoke’s triumph.Holding Rey pinned there, Snoke considered Kylo. He has seen his apprentice’s enormous potential when he was still a child. The latent power of the Skywalker bloodline was impossible to miss and he had also seen how to exploit the boy’s feelings of inadequacy and abandonment. His mother’s guilt and desperation to contain the darkness within her child. Indeed, Ben Solo had performed the role Snoke had envisioned for him perfectly. The combonation of his potential and the danger he posed had lured Skywalker into seeking to rebuild the Jedi. His power then had destroyed all Skywalker had built and sent the failed Jedi Master into exhile. Removing him from the board just as the game entered a critical phase. But what role would the boy play in the future was less clear.He called himself Kylo Ren but as with so much else about him, that was more wish fulfilment than reality. He had never escaped being Ben Solo or learned to resist the pull of the weak and pathetic light or had the strength to excise the sentimental streak that had destroyed his legendary grandfather. Then there was his most glaring failure of all, his inability or unwillingness to use his power to redirect the coarse of his own destiny. Snoke had once seen Kylo as the perfect student. A creation of both dark and light with the strength of both aspects of the Force but perhaps he had been wrong about that. Perhaps Kylo was an unstable combination of those aspect’s weaknesses. A flawed vessel that could never be filled. Snoke pushed the thought away. There would be time to consider Kylo’s fate later, after The Resistance and the last Jedi had been destroyed and both of those goals were now at hand. via /r/StarWars

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