The first time was just about six months before the release of The Force Awakens, so all I had was the OT, PT, Clone Wars and one season of Rebels. Now, with 30% more content, let us begin ...First, the movies, the original six is easy enoughMovieLengthSW:TPM136 minutesSW:AotC142 minutesSW:RotS140 minutesSW:ANH125 minutesSW:ESB127 minutesSW:RotJ136 minutesGiving us the total of 806 minutes, or about 13 and a half hour. "But this is old news!" I hear you cry. Nowadays we have more movies, so Rogue one and The Force Awakens are at 133 and 135 minutes respectively. Which brings the total up to 1074 minutes, that is almost 18 hours. You now have to be slightly more dedicated to see all the movies in a single weekend, but it's totally doable. I have faith in you, random internet dude.Then we have the two series, The Clone Wars and Rebels. Clone Wars with it's movie and six seasons totals out at 2858 minutes. Rebels, without any proper movie and only three seasons clocks in at 1298 minutes, so just under half that of Clone Wars.Together these two series have about 70 hours of footage. And with the movies that total goes up to 87,17 hours. Or just over three and a half day.TL;DRRead it. It's not that long. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2u6ORo3
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