I have all three parts written out, but am going to post them one by one since they get very long and I don't want to overwhelm people. I'd love to hear people's feedback/thoughts on this! I attempt to integrate as many of the known spoilers, rumours and plot elements as I can into something cohesive and plausible, so I'd like to hear whether people think I have succeeded.While the breakdown is mostly speculative, it incorporates some reliable spoilers and leaks (albeit nothing super major - there are no 'Han dies!' level spoilers here), so I recommend leaving now if you're spoiler-averse.A freshly healed Kylo Ren goes to Snoke, dressed in his full mask and regalia. Snoke orders him to remove his mask and reprimands him for his failure and for falling prey to his compassion for the scavenger. Kylo vows to destroy her - Snoke tells him that when Rey is dead by his hand, his training will finally be complete. Humiliated and angered by his experience with Snoke, filled with self-loathing, Kylo destroys his mask in the lift.Rey attempts to hand Luke the lightsaber, but he refuses to take it and rules out a return to the Resistance. Rey is dismayed and confused, becoming angry. Luke storms off and Rey is left alone.D'Qar is evacuated as it comes under attack from the First Order forces, including Kylo Ren.As a result of the attack on D'Qar, Kylo discovers the location of Rey and Luke.Rey, alone on the island, stumbles across the Force tree and experiences a terrifying vision - she sees the past (the destruction of the Temple) and abstract glimpses of the future. When she returns to herself, Luke is there. Recognising her great affinity with the Force, his attitude changes and he explains what happened to his attempt to restart the Jedi Order. He then directs Rey to some books written by the ancient Jedi. The Jedi weren't what he thought they were, and they need to come to an end: a new type of Force user is required. Kylo Ren - tainted by Snoke - in particular represents a corruption of the Force that has to be purged. Luke seems sorrowful, but his words also have an edge of fanaticism.Rey doesn't think she can kill Kylo, having failed to deal the killing blow to him on Starkiller Base. Luke is displeased, but says nothing. His look suggests foreboding - he clearly suspects something that Rey can't fathom, which increases her frustration. Rey believes that Luke is hiding things from her.The Resistance characters, including Finn, Poe and Leia, escape from D'Qar. The Resistance re-group with the remnants of the New Republic fleet. Finn is woken up aboard the fleeing ship.Leia and Poe brief Finn and send him on a mission to rendezvous with a source with information on the location of Supreme Leader Snoke on the wealthy world of Canto Bight, which is being used to channel funds for the First Order. Rose Tico, a mechanic who has technical skills that will assist with the mission, is sent with him.Kylo trains and prepares for his mission to Ahch-To. Even as he attempts to purge himself of sentiment and compassion, he is disturbed to realise that his weaknesses remain - he finds himself thinking of his mother's grief, and feeling deep sorrow for his father. He still feels the pull to the light, and this is a source of anguish to him. Afraid of his weakness being discovered, he attempts to conceal it by fighting with increased savagery and fury.Luke won't train Rey in combat, but he will train her in the ways of the Force - he believes it would be dangerous not to. He sets her tasks focused on communing with the natural forces on the island - so we get rock lifting, an encounter with a sea monster, and cute moments with the porgs.Finn and Rose have their adventure on Canto Bight, sneaking around the casino and ascertaining the location of DJ, who is imprisoned in the town jail after a misadventure.Kylo prays to his grandfather's helmet for strength before assembling his men and leaving for the strike on Ahch-To.On Ahch-To, Luke and Rey both sense that Kylo is coming. Rey is panicked and frightened, conscious that she has had no real combat training and that Kylo will have had time to recover and prepare. Luke, meanwhile, is calm and passive - he seems unconcerned. He trusts in the Force to determine the outcome. It begins to rain as a storm gathers overhead.Finn and Rose successfully break DJ out of jail, and they all flee Canto Bight on a fancy spaceship stolen from the 'parking lot' of the casino. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2v7lX8q
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