Sunday, July 3, 2022

a little girl at the mall thought I was kenobi today and it made me year

It's been a while since I cut my hair, and I have kind of similar hair color and complexion, as well as sporting a beard. Had my hair this way before the show but It turns out in the show he kind of even parts it similarly to me. In the mall today just looking about and a woman comes up and asks if I like star wars. I say yes obviously. She says that her daughter thought I was kenobi. She even says "kenobi kenobi." (She's like 4 or something so trying to say obi wan kenobi but just says kenobi twice)I smile really big, and manage to look at her and say, "hello there!" She smiles, and they go about their day.Is this what it's like to be an impersonator in Vegas or at Disney world? I felt so cool that not only does a tiny little girl like kenobi, but she thought I could be kenobi. It sounds crazy, but it makes me want to be more like kenobi. Not in like a weird crazy person way, but like in a, if someone thinks I could be a jedi, I need to think I could be a jedi. Get back in shape and reconnect my mind and body to the universe, as It's been a couple years since I have done any meditating or martial arts or really anything productive.Idk maybe I'm crazy, but whatever I am, it made my year. Thanks for listening to my random post haha. via /r/StarWars

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