Sunday, July 17, 2022

Issue with Anakin and Padme's relationship

People always excuse the lack of chemistry and awkwardness by saying "it's an accurate representation of teenage relationships" or "he's a repressed monk". Okay. Padme is also a character in this equation. It's always Anakin is this, or Anakin is that, never about the perspective of the female half of this pairing. She was a 24 year old senator at the time of Attack of the Clones. Not an inexperienced teenager, and had probably already had her fair share of relationships.​What did *she* see in this relatively socially immature, uncharismatic, 19-going-on-20 year old young man that would make her decide to marry him after only interacting with him as an adult for 8 days? via /r/StarWars

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