Sunday, May 9, 2021

I just finished the Darth Plagueis novel. It’s the perfect Prequel for the Prequels.

Elements from all three Prequel films (mainly Phantom Menace) are all explored and hashed out and reading this gave me extra understanding into Sidious’ Master Plan and how everything was tied together.The Plan to destroy the Republic was laid out and planned very meticulously by Plagueis and Palpatine. They knew the Jedi Order was too powerful to be destroyed from the outside, they needed to destroy it from the inside out. Only after the Jedi had been made to be the enemies of peace would the people submit to the security of the Empire. The Jedi would be forced into hiding.The history of the quarrels between the Naboo and GungansThe origins of podracing on Tatooine and how the Hutts came to power.Plagueis experimenting different species for a clone army for the Republic. The Kaminoans warned that obedience needs to be a primary quality for soldiers, making humans a prime candidate.Darth Maul’s origins are explored as well as Mother Talzin and the nightsisters.Palpatine’s family heritage and involvement in Naboo politics. They plan early for him to be elected Superme Chancellor and to coy his way into bringing the republic down.How some species such as Toydarians are immune to force powers such as Jedi kind tricks.We first hear the prophecy of the Chosen One and Palpatine becomes very interested in Anakin.We first hear of the Jedi’s ability to use the force diminishing (something that is touched on in Attack of the Clones)Master Dooku becomes fed up with the Jedi Order and walks away.Naboo discovers Plasma and profits on exporting it. (The duel arena at the end of Phantom Menace)Padmè Naberrie’s family heritage is explored and their role in Naboo politics.Syfo-Dias feels the urgency to militarize the Republic, strongly compelled to commission a clone army.The Sith heritage and the Rule of TwoThe Trade Federation’s motives behind their greed and how Palpatine is able to be their puppet master in the events leading up to Phantom Menace.Bonus: There’s a lot of Knights of the Old Republic references; Star Forge, Darth Sion, Taris, the Rakata are all mentioned. Palpatine and Plagueis discuss the Valley of the Sith Lords on Korriban and Plagueis explains the tombs of the Sith Masters have been rummaged already (by the user in KOTOR playthroughs) thought that was a cool detail. via /r/StarWars

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