Sunday, May 9, 2021

Can we get a well done nature series for the Star Wars universe?

Have each new episode cover a different planet’s flora and fauna. In the style of all the nature documentaries they have from National Geographic on Disney plus. Each episode could have a different narrator picked from the actors and actresses across the movies and shows. I really don’t understand how this hasn’t been done already. It’s such a cool idea for a show to me. There are a bunch of planets to do episodes about as well. They could cover more than just flora and fauna too, maybe the history of the planets discovery and colonization which will work with planets that don’t necessarily have any flora and fauna. It would be such a cool way to see, experience and expand the Star Wars universe. Each episode should be a good hour or so long and I don’t care if it takes months to put one out, it would be something to look forward to. I was wondering what this biomes thing was and hand some hopes but it was not anything special.. via /r/StarWars

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