I find the sequel trilogy fascinating. I personally liked TFA well enough and adored TLJ(don't kill me). However, after TROS, it became clear that the story as a whole made no real sense. Sure, there was elements that worked the whole way through, Ben Solo's character, Luke becoming more optimistic after everything even after death and BB-8 being cute, but the entire trilogy felt like it had zero direction and no proper arc.BUT I actually don't think that's entirely the case. You see, the biggest criticisms I see are that there was no real plan on where to go, that Kathleen Kennedy and Iger rushed them out, that Johnson ruined everything TFA set up, etc. However, none of those are the issue. After really looking into this, I believe this is what ultimately crippled the sequels: the scrapping of the Colin Trevorrow's original episode 9, Duel of The Fates.Duel of The Fates is perhaps the single most interesting cancelled film I've ever read about. It's not a traditional cancelled movie in that it's pretty unnecessary and something better gets made, it is literally the climax of the entire ST and makes the trilogy actually feel like a coherent story. I won't detail the entire story but I'll tell you interesting tidbits. There is also concept art out there that is A M A Z I N G!!! The best concept art I've ever seen. However, I won't link it, as idk if I'm allowed.Rey was meant to harness both the dark side and the light side. She was meant to learn from Luke's mistake in trying to surpass the darkness and Anakin and Ben's mistake in embracing it too much. She was meant to be the first Jedi to truly embrace being human. The film would end with her teaching this to Broom Boy.Finn was meant to lead an uprising of ex Stormtroopers and others on a post apocalyptic Coruscant. He was going to become the leader he had been set up as and use his experience of seeing the slaver kids to become a leading force in stopping oppressors by leading the oppressed into battle.Luke was going to haunt Kylo Ren in the film. "See you around, kid".The final battle between Rey and Ben was to be on Mortis. I believe this this why Rebels reintroduced the Father and Son and all. To remind viewers for this film.Also the Darksaber was going to be in it. Perhaps that's why Rebels brung that back too.There was STRONG ties to Jedi Fallen Order. A major character was a Zeffo and also Rey's lightsaber was modeled a lot like Cal's duel blade. It also was like her staff in a way.I could go on. But do you see what I'm getting at?So here's what I believe: Disney DID have somewhat of an idea of where to go. The prequels were about evil, the OT was about good and this trilogy was to be about balance. They also had vague ideas on where these characters would end up. Finn leading an uprising of stormtroopers and oppressed people and Rey being a gray Jedi. However, I don't believe they worked out small details such as Rey's parents, Snoke, etc and left that up to the filmmakers.So why was this scrapped? Rumor has it that Trevorrow couldn't make it work without Fisher. So they brought JJ back. JJ started working on TROS in the dead heat of TLJ's backlash and it looks like to me that him and Disney got cold feet on going further with the story so instead they cancelled it and tried to rush up something a lot more safe.Duel of The Fates is fascinating to me in that it's not only the climax of the ST, but it's literally what Disney was building to. Rebels, JFO and the sequels all were leading to a finale that just didn't happen. This was meant to be the story. I find it truly bizarre that a studio was so shaken by backlash to a film that they scrapped what was the single most important film in their entire series and replaced it with what seemed to be more of an apology for the last film.Sorry for the essay, but what do you guys think? This was really been a subject that has really fascinated me as of late and I'm wondering if anyone else agrees. If we got the original episode 9, would the sequels have been better received or would it have been TLJ 2.0? via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/3b42KJ1
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