Disclaimer just started the Sixth seriesHi, I was recently convinced to watch TCW and after borrowing the Blu Ray box set I finally decided to watch it and I could not believe how unimpressed I was although the first and second season was fun and clearly improved from series one to two but the overall result was average.However from series three to five I couldn’t believe how great it got I fully get the hype it maybe the best thing in SW. the increased level of characters for so many was great.Kenobi’s increased level of detail such as Duchess Satine and his interactions with Maul and much more of Kenobi’s famous wit and banterAnakin’s increased dabbles with the dark side were also very good to see as it showed a much greyer Anakin through out TCW slowly using the dark side more and more and events such as Ahsoka Tano being expelled from the orderAhsoka Tano has also became one of my top SW characters through out the show she is like a mirror image of Anakin in so many ways instead of choosing the dark at the key moments she sticks with the light even if that’s no longer with the Jedi.Darth Maul seeing his return rebuild and re assertion to a place of prominence was fantastic with his brother. Seeing his face of against his replacement Dooku and former Master SidiousMy favourite character development however is Dooku he’s so much more than just as Sith Lord he’s more he’s an idealist with grand ideas of bringing down the republic and he uses the Sith to try and do this seeing him through out TCW is great and he’s so cool especially when fighting the night sistersThere’s is many many more including the clones themselves also it’s so good to see how much development TCW causes to the whole prequel era and turns a small line in A New Hope to something truly special and the cartoon nature of it I think gives the writers freedoms to world build movies don’t have due to CGI and finical restrictionsDo you think TCW is SW at its best? If not what is it? Is rebels as good? Are you looking forward to the Bad Batch?Hope this gives me less hate than my last SW post lol 😂 via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/3neuXz0
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