Sunday, September 27, 2020

What were your thoughts seeing Yoda in his first on-screen Lightsaber fight in Episode II?

Myself, I was blown away at how intense and incredible they made the battle against Count Dooku (Or should I say, Darth Tyranus.) How are they going to make Yoda look cool in a lightsaber fight? Well, they nailed it, in my opinion.I also recall watching "The Last Jedi" for the first time, and when Rey so effortlessly 'floats' all the rocks/boulders at the end of the film, I thought back to Episode II when Yoda had to "force-catch" a huge pillar from falling on Obi-Wan/Anakin, and you could see the effort/concentration in his face and body language. Made me think Rey was stronger than your typical Jedi...or they should have done another take, lol. via /r/StarWars

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