Sunday, September 27, 2020

Disney Star Wars Experience

All- Not sure if this has been discussed, but I just got back from Disney World Hollywood Studios, and the new Star Wars section is simply amazing. The two main rides deal with driving the Millennium Falcon, and the Rise of the Resistance. Stunning. Just walking around, you feel like you are on Luke’s home planet. There are lots of full sized things to see- space ships, droids, etc. even the skyline is perfect. It was obviously created by super fans.luckily my wife had done some research on how to get on the rides efficiently, and we did everything we wanted to do, with the exception of Oga’s tavern.No spoilers from me, but if anyone wants tips on how to visit, let me know. I know the Gov of FL just changed the Covid rules, but Disney is doing everything right, and we felt really safe. via /r/StarWars

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