Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mando season 1 possible Child/Anakin connection.

Hey,I haven’t finished season 1 as it’s not fully out in the UK yet. So if anything has happened in the show to contradict what I’m going to say then I haven’t seen it yet.But I was thinking about the show today and I realised that Anakin and the child are the same age.Both born 41BBY which makes them both fifty at the time of mando season 1.This got me thinking. We don’t really know anything about the child’s species.So is it a possibility that the manipulation of the force that created Anakin is also somehow related to the birth of this force sensitive yoda species child? Considering that they are both strong in the force and are born the same year?Probably not, the writers probably just chose the child age as 50 because it’s a nice round number, but it’s fun to speculate. via /r/StarWars

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