Sunday, April 12, 2020

I feel like Season 7 could've been executed better

To start off, I'm grateful we're getting this, and props to the entire team for making this happen. It's definitely better than nothing at all.But the past two arcs have been underwhelming to an extent, and overall didn't seem to advance the story in anyway. And you see this wouldn't necessarily be a problem except we're only getting 12 episodes. You'd think the 12 we were getting would be crucial to the final points of the story.The Bad Batch Arc was nice, we got to see Anakin and the clones again. But what exactly did it accomplish? I feel like with Echo coming back and Wat Tambor saying "he'll make a return on his investment" we might see something similar to Order 66, or Echo telling Rex about the chip and him removing it. But we really get nothing. The best part of all that was the Anakin and Padme scene, and the Anakin and Trench scene. But if we wanted to see dark-side Anakin Crystal Crisis would've been much better, plus we would've gotten to see a major character (General Grievous) come back.The recent Ahsoka Arc really didn't need to be 4 episodes. I know this has been harped on alot, and I tried to stay optimistic until it was over. But Trace literally stays the same throughout the entire arc. Rafa doesn't even seem to like Ahsoka until the final episode when she comes back to rescue her. And the Mandalorians we're teased throughout the last two episodes, didn't do anything to help them escape, and then walk in a tell Ahsoka they have a common enemy. The last 5 minutes of Episode 8 felt so rushed and weird.Hopefully we get a scene with Dooku, Grievous, or Palpatine. It just seems weird that the 3 major villains of the series haven't been seen atleast once before ROTS.Overall I'm enjoying Season 7, but the way some of the story is executed makes me scratch my head sometimes. Siege of Mandalore should be good tho. via /r/StarWars

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