Sunday, April 12, 2020

17 year old Obi-Wan entering a meditative state during combat, as Qui Gon taught him. Quote from “Master and Apprentice” by Claudia Gray.

“He relaxed and let the force flow through him. Usually, in battle, the force seem to fall silent – not to desert him, but to become no more than instinct. This time, however, Obi-Wan found himself connecting to everything around him - as though he were in a meditative trance. He wasn’t waiting for his Master to guide him. At last, he was guided purely by the Force.The next few minutes seem to take place in slow motion. Obi-Wan felt no fear as he emerged from behind the loader droid and re-engaged the black guards. Life and death were all the same, within the force; there was nothing to hide from, nothing to distract him. Instead he could perceive the path of every blaster boat before I was fired. His body required no help from his conscious mind to angle his lightsaber to deflect each shot.Qui-Gon had always encouraged him to enter a meditative trance during combat. Obi-Wan had always thought that absurd, if not impossible.But now, at last, he fought as his master had taught him.”Goosebumps. via /r/StarWars

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