Sunday, February 23, 2020

Savage Opress has every right to want revenge on Asajj Ventress

After watching the Season 4 finale “Brothers” and “Revenge”, I was bothered by the fact that Opress was treated as another villain who is trying to make Ventress’s life harder.To clarify, Opress is not a good person. I wouldn’t call him evil, but he is complicit in the deaths of many innocent people. He is also a threat to the Galaxy and should be treated as such.However, Ventress seems to forget that his creation is her fault. She calls him a monster, but he only is so because of her action. She murdered about a dozen of his brothers and unwilling subjected him to Dark Magic that forced him so obey her every command.I thought this much was clear in “Witches of the Mist”, when Savage, fed up with Ventress’s abuse, chokes both her and Dooku. I thought this was a brilliant parallel to the beginning of the arc, when Ventress, after Dooku’s betrayal, does the same to Anakin and Obi-Wan. It shows that Opress, like Ventress, is an apprentice that was used and betrayed by their master, which also shows that Ventress is a hypocrite who is just as bad as Dooku.Of course, none of this should matter to Obi-Wan, who justifiably took whatever help he could get.However, while Maul’s desire for revenge on Kenobi is not valid (Obi-Wan injured him in self-defense), Ventress should face justice for what she did to Opress.What do y’all think? via /r/StarWars

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