Monday, February 24, 2020

I made my wife watch Star Wars for the first time in her life this weekend and it unexpectedly became one of my favorite moments in our relationship.

I decided to start with 4-6. We were only able to get through the original trilogy, but man it made my month.Up until now, she’s only heard of Star Wars and the very famous pop cultural things attached to it. Absolutely no details on the context of anything behind them though. Star Wars is nothing like she usually watches and she was a little hesitant at first. Going into A New Hope, I made her aware that there’s definitely some noticeable age to it and this movie mostly just lays the groundwork for the series. She thought it was cool and was excited to watch more. But admitted to me that it didn’t exactly win her over just yet.Then we watched Empire Strikes Back...She couldn’t take her eyes off the screen. Literally. I paused it once to get up and she yelled at me to hurry up. At the end of it, she was totally onboard with Star Wars and told me how she couldn’t wait for the next one because she was invested.I did a friendly quiz at the end to see if she paid attention like it appeared. I was blown away how she was explaining everything and everyone in perfect detail.She couldn’t wait until we watched Return of the Jedi. I was speechless at the end when she actually started to cry when Darth dies. We laughed about it because of how unexpected it was for her to enjoy it so much to bring her to tears. I jokingly said “I’m glad you enjoyed these! Because it’s all downhill from here!”We will hopefully be getting to 1-3 this week and she can’t wait. I started to play the trailer for 1, and she ran out of the room because she doesn’t want to see anything and go in blind. I definitely gave her a small heads up though on what to expect and what not to expect.It was so damn cool doing this. I’m not a massive Star Wars fan by any means. But it’s a story that has been in my life since I was a little kid who fell in love with watching them with my dad. Being able to share that excitement and discovery for the first time with my best friend is so rewarding to me!!I fell in love with watching her reactions during major scenes. I decided to keep my mouth shut on upcoming things just so that I can watch her react in real time. She absolutely loves Han, Luke, and Leia. I’m keeping it a secret that they come back in 7-9 because I’m excited like a little kid on Christmas to watch her light up when they come on screen.This is what Star Wars is all about. This unexpected experience with her became one of my most memorable in our entire relationship. via /r/StarWars

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