Sunday, January 26, 2020

[ROS Spoilers] A new watch order for the greatest Star Wars experience: The SOLO watch order.

Everyone always argues about what the proper way to watch Star Wars. Chronological, release order, Machete order, and a few orders. Now, may I introduce to you a new and revolutionary way to view the movies, and experience the legend of Han Solo: The SOLO watch order.You start off with SOLO: A Star Wars Story. This introduces you to our main character Han Solo and sets him up for a journey of fun. Some argue that this prequel isn’t like the original trilogy and those arguments have merits. However, it’s a lot of fun and important for the whole experience.Now, we move to Episode IV: A New Hope. Here was see Han Solo’s first appearance on the big screen. We see him go from outlaw to reluctant hero. It’s an amazing journey for our main character, and a masterpiece of a film.Now, I wouldn’t recommend this for a first time viewer of this watch order, but next up is The Star Wars Holiday Special. Han Solo is in this and that’s what we care about. This is universally panned, but it is important for us to see how his life is between episodes IV and V, if only a little.Episode V! Some consider this to be the best of them all. It’s an amazing film, Han Solo is, of course, great in it. It is in part praised for its darker ending, and that’s especially true for us fans of Han Solo. At the end of the film, we see our hero get frozen in carbonite.Now, here is where some of us followers of this watch order disagree. Some think for the best experience, you have to watch the whole movies, others think you should shut it off right after he is frozen. How you watch this one, I’d say is up to you. I’ll have a stronger opinion on a similar situation when we come to Episode VII.Next, you pop in your copy of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Han Solo has to dream, right? And what better to dream about than being a bad ass with a whip. This film is a phenomenal action adventure film for dream Han.Some people will argue this, but next is Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom. “But isn’t it a prequel to Raiders?!” I can hear you exclaim. We are doing chronological order, aren’t we? Well, we are, but that doesn’t mean Han’s dreams are in chronological order. It makes more sense for them not to be in order. Plus, George Lucas would have made this film first if he meant for you to watch it first.Finally in our dream sequence, we have Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. In this, Han imagines knowing his father, and having a decent relationship with him. It’s my personal favorite of this extended dream trilogy.Here we go now, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. If you stopped Episode V when Han is frozen, I suggest starting Episode VI from when he is unfrozen. On Disney Plus, this happens at 19:07. Otherwise, just watch it from the beginning. It’s a fun end to the original story.Episode VII, where our hearts break, shatter into a million pieces. It’s the saddest of all of the movies. Han Solo is stabbed by his son and left to fall down a pit in Starkilller Base. Many tears are shed.At this point, pause the movie, and compose yourself. Some people would say you should finish the movie, but I disagree. It’s not worth it, Han Solo’s journey has ended, we don’t need to know more. It has more impact this way. But, you still have one movie left. It’s not a great one, but I’d call it fun.Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. As he falls, Han Solo’s dying mind thinks back to the dreams he had many years ago. He imagines a world in which he never met his son until he was 19. He imagines having fun with his son, going on an adventure. It’s a bittersweet conclusion to our watch-through.Now, if you really want more Han, you can watch his scene from Episdode IX, however that’s just his son’s memory. Personally, I would consider it a nice epilogue.That concludes our SOLO watch order. It is by far and large, the best way to watch the Star Wars films as a Han Solo fan.I hope this guide improves your next watch through of these great films.TL;DR: Solo, IV, V, Raiders, Temple, Last Crusade, VI, VII, Crystal Skull. via /r/StarWars

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