Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Jango and Boba Fett should be recognized as Mandalorian

Jango and Boba deserve to be recognized as Mandalorians. I must say it bothers me that I even need to explain why the Fetts need to be Mandalorian to begin with. Boba Fett is the reason why the Mandalorians were created in the first place. That one armor sparked an entire culture in one character.The Clone Wars happened. The Mandalore Plot. Here’s the thing. Prime Minister Almec defensively says Jango was not a Mandalorian and was proven to be corrupt, so I don’t feel like his claims are legitimate “The Fetts aren’t Mandalorian” thing was disproven once the only guy who said as much was shown to be a conniving ass who flat-out lies to try to twist things to his benefit. I also see Jango being dismissed as a bounty Hunter as Satine trying to erase Mandalore’s past. So when Prime Minister Almec says “Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armor is beyond me.” He’s only following Satine’s orders of erasing Mandalorian culture of old.My issues is not only were The Fetts erased as Mandalorian, but it disgustingly whitewashed The Mandalorians. Mandalorians were not just white human warriors. Mandalorians could be people of color and aliens, but Satine sparked a genocide on every non-white, non human Mandalorian because they didn’t fit her ideals. Satine committed cultural genocide by pretty much making Mandalore a society of white humans only and that the Fetts were Maori, poc and Mandalorians in general are supposed to be a collective clans of warriors from multiple species, not a hereditary clan. There’s no reason that Jango Fett can’t be a Mandalorian adopted into their society.Oh and the claim that Jango and Boba have no place in Mandalorian culture. Cassus Fett was a Mandalorian Field Marshal and revered for his battle prowess and SECOND IN COMMAND TO MANDALORE THE ULTIMATE! Boba was the reason why Mandalorians exist in the first place. Boba and Jango had a powerful and legendary ancestor. After Death Watch killed Jango’s family, Jango was adopted by Jaster Mereel, a true Mandalorian, so he is double Mandalorian. Jango himself became the Mand'Alor and so did his son, Boba Fett. Erasing the Fetts as Mandalorian was complete garbage.Open Seasons proves that The Fetts can be Mandalorian. In the comic Open Seasons it’s stated that Jango was adopted into the group the True Mandalorians. Their leader Jaster Mereel saved a child Jango from Tor Vizsla and Death Watch. The True Mandalorians were a group of Mandalorian supercommandos who rallied to the cause of Mand'alor Jaster Mereel. The True Mandalorians supported Mereel’s attempts to lead a reform of the Mandalorians’ more savage members, and followed the teachings of the Supercommando Codex that Mereel authored. The Codex outlined honorable behavior through a modernization of the ancient Canons of Honor and elaboration on the six Resol'nare, the basic tenets of the Mandalorian culture which the True Mandalorians heeded. Highly skilled and well organized soldiers, the True Mandalorians had been primarily assembled from the planet Mandalore’s full-time army, in addition to drawing numerous members from several of the Mandalorian homeworld’s most prominent clans. Despite being well organized, True Mandalorian rank and unit structure remained nebulous beyond their loyalty to the Mand'alor’s authority, as most Mandalorians of their era held little regard for official rank and preferred an informal command structure.Instead, the True Mandalorians divided their forces based upon the tactical necessity of a coming mission, choosing trusted and respected soldiers to serve as squad commanders for the duration of combat. The True Mandalorian army existed primarily as a fighting force to combat and destroy the threat of the Death Watch, for whom the organization’s members harbored a strong hatred. When not embroiled in conflict with their rogue Mandalorian foes, the True Mandalorians would sometimes offer their martial services to prospective parties as a mercenary company. Jaster Mereel saw an honest nobility in mercenary work, which had become a staple in the Mandalorian culture over the centuries. Among themselves, the True Mandalorians fostered a strong sense of camaraderie, respect, and care for each other’s well being, exemplifying the Mandalorian tradition of looking out for one’s comrades on and off the battlefield. While Death Watch led by Tor Vizsla favored barbarism and brigandage. Across the galaxy, the True Mandalorians battled the Death Watch in a series of conflicts that collectively came to be known as the Mandalorian Civil War. On Korda Six, Jaster Mereel was betrayed by his trusted ally Montross and was slain by Vizsla, but he was succeeded as Mand'alor by his surrogate son Jango Fett, who exiled Montross and continued to lead the True Mandalorians against Death Watch. The Battle of Galidraan, however, would prove to be the True Mandalorians’ undoing. Nearly eradicated by a Jedi strike force fooled by a Death Watch lie, Fett was the sole True Mandalorian to survive the events of Galidraan. The man who went on to wage a lone war on the Death Watch that saw the sect broken and Vizsla killed, before distancing himself from the Mandalorian people to become a famous bounty hunter. Though the True Mandalorians were destroyed at Galidraan, their code of honor and ethics survived, and served to inspire the core ideology of the later Mandalorian Protectors.Jango and Boba are who anyone associates with the Mandalorians and we lose so much by stripping them of their Mandalorian heritage. The Fetts will forever be Mandalorian in my eyes and it is honestly dumb that they are no longer considered Mandalorian. via /r/StarWars

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