Sunday, September 22, 2019

When will the mods do anything about the blatant brigading carried out by Saltier Than Crait members?

It feels like almost every other day posts are hijacked by them and actual regulars from this sub are harassed and berated by dozens of people that come out of nowhere, and then you realize they all frequent Saltier Than Crait, and THEN you go on there and see they’ve been talking about it and see that it was the plan. Why do the mods ignore this? Why is absolutely nothing done about it? It’s not like they are hiding it, they are blatantly open about it. Like on yesterday’s post about the Rey art where they openly spoke about raiding the sub to support their own members and downvote everyone else and then they talked about how shitty this sub is and how they hate it here. So why don’t the mods do something about this? It’s been happening for what feels like years now. I’ll probably be banned for this post but I feel like this discussion needs to be had because it feels like all our pleas for something to be done to the mods consistently go ignored. If there’s a reason for this I feel like a lot of us would just like to know it instead of being left in the dark about why nothing is done. I’m not trying to start a mob or turn opinion against anyone I just want the mods to have a discussion with those of us that feel like nothing is happening. via /r/StarWars

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